Ch. 3

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I come back to school the next day with bandages around my wrist to keep me from moving it too much.. Some people ask me if I'm alright and what had happened, but most just looked at me some scared and others just disgusted.. I could here them talking about me.. (As usual). I go through the day as if nothing happened. I go from class to class without really stopping to talk to people.. Towards the end of the day i walk up to my friend Dakota and sit down on the floor next to his locker. He looks at me and says "hey man are you alright?" I just nod my head and put my face down. He tells me to stand up, when i do he gives me a hug and says its going to be alright.. I shake my head and go to my second to last class. Social studies, i normally dont mind the class except Christophe is in my class too.. I look around but dont see him in class so i find someone who talks to him often and ask if he is here.. They say yeah and right after they say it (almost as if on cue) Christophe walks into class.. My heart drops to my stomach as my blood immediately starts to boil with anger.. I sit in my chair and ignore everything for the rest of the school day... At the final bell i leave and go right to the bus and blast my music tuning out everybody else around me, i get home and go to my room and release my anger.. I punch my walls (leaving holes and dents) and i use my knife to stab holes in random places around my room, then i kick my wall leaving a huge hole.. I laugh and then attempt to cover it with things hanging around my room.. Once my anger was released the depression starts to kick in, i try my hardest not to cut no matter how bad i want to, instead i try sleeping and writing. This helps, for now... I cry and get angry about it for the next few days, Dakota tries to help as much as he can, i respect him for that. He helps me through everything. About a month or two goes by and i try to move on.. It's summer by this point only about a month into summer vacation Dakota and i go over Jonah's house to sleep over there. It's Jonah, Dakota, robert and me. We all hangout at Jonah's and just jam out to music and stuff Dakota goes and gets a drink and i follow him cuz i had to talk to him about something, we talk about random stuff at first but then we start having "heart to hearts" (personal conversations) and we get on the subject about moving on from her and Christophe and i decide that its a good idea so after the talk we go back into Jonahs room and continue just to hangout. Jonah then starts facebook calling random girls he knows and we all end up facetiming one of Jonah's friend Cathy. As the night goes on i end up getting her number so i had someone to talk to the next day because Jonah and Dakota were going to knoebels and i had to be home. So we texted and got to know eachother and needless to say i started getting feelings for this girl. We stayed friends for a little while and as i later found out she was one of Jonah's ex's from like years ago, that bothered me so i just stayed friends with her for a while but lets just keep it at this. Because of her he ended up becoming angry with me because i never said anything to him about it and it just made him upset. So her and i broke up in about two months because she didnt want to be in a relationship because yet again. I lost a girl to another friend... But because we were friends prior to dating we stayed somewhat distant friends... It hurt me for a little while but because i has a friend like Dakota i became alright once more... Summer break is now over and its my first year of highschool the first few weeks i ignore most people and just roam the halls untill my bus comes to take me to the CTC (career technical center)... Dakota gets a new girlfriend and i like her she seems nice but Dakota soon begins changing. He talks to me less and becomes wrapped up in her... I basically lose my best friend because i argue about him never hanging out with me anymore.... Our friendship bounces around like a bouncy ball inside a small room... Robert and i dont talk all that much at this point but we are still really good friends.. Jonah and i begin talking again and we also become friends (somewhat).... I dont know why but ever since the begininning of the year i noticed this one girl who sat in the front of the bus always wearing beanies and stuff she would sit with her head against the window every morning listening to music. I never bothered to talk to her. Then one day i noticed that she randomly began sitting with Jonah. This confused me because i didnt know Jonah knew her, so one day i asked him who she was and he said her name was Allison.. I said oh, then proceeded to ask "are you two together or something?" He said "yeah." I respond with "oh cool" but in my mind i was wondering "damn, how does a guy like you. Get a girl like that? I mean she is beautiful. How did you get her to date you?" You see Jonah is a 6" something tall scrawny kid with really curly poofy almost Afro like hair. I mean he has a nice personality i guess but idk... While you have Allison who is a beautiful semi curly haired girl with beautiful green eyes and a beautiful face and smile to go with it. So i was just confused about it but thought it was cool because this is the first time i have actually seen Jonah date a girl..... So anyway i continue living on pretending to be okay while i slowly push people away. I push Robert basically completely away and only talk to him when we are in school. I go over Jonah's house a lot over the weekend because its the only place i have to go to other than my own house so i go over his house a lot and he would usually have Allison over and we would all hangout and watch movies and play games. We all had a lot of fun joking around and being goofy, one time Jonah randomly asked me if i wanted to be In a three-some with him and Allison (of course this all just a big joke) so i say "Suuure???" And we would always joke around about it and stuff. I found out recently after that, that Allison and i have a lot in common due to Jonah playing a speed round questionnaire game. While Jonah didnt have a whole lot in common with her me and her liked the same colors, food, superheroes, anime, and a lot more.. So i guess that bothered Jonah a little bit because Allison said jokingly "wow i have more in common with him than i do you" so he jokingly (in a semi annoyed tone) said "then why dont you just date him" and me not trying to affect their relationship immediately say at the same time as her "nah, im good" and it just kinda ended there and we all began joking around and stuff... About another month or so goes by and as Allison and i become friends i find out that Jonah had broken up with her because he had lost feelings or had to sort out his feelings and stuff.. I feel really bad for Allison because she is really hurt by this and i tell her that im here for her.. A few days goes by and i frequently message Allison to see how she is doing, she claims shes okay but i dont believe it. Roughly about three days after they break up i see Jonah flirting with this one girl he broke up with earlier in the year and this gets me mad because of what happened to me last year and i tell Allison and this makes her feel very terrible and i apologize.. Because it was something i just thought it would be right to tell her about, her and i become pretty good friends when we hangout at christophe's house (you see since i got over everything last year i try to be friends with Christophe again cuz im an idiot) i get to christophe's house before Allison does so we are just kinda talking and listening to music when he asks me if i liked her i say "how do you mean?" He says "dude you know what i mean." I say "i think she is pretty cool yeah.".. It gets left at that when she gets there everythings cool. We all hangout and jam out to music. Come towards the end of the night we put on finding nemo and we watch it. Christophe flirts with Allison like crazy. He tried to put his arm around her and lay beside her and stuff.. Like 20 minutes into the movie my ADD kicks in and i start being really random and goofy and something happened i dont remember what but Christophe moved away from Allison and kinda started playing on his phone and i became tired and uncomfortable so i ask Alison if i could lay by her. She says "i dont care" so i go over to her and lay beside her. I end up falling asleep on her within minutes and she begins to nod off when christophe's dad walks in and says its time to go he gives us a ride to our houses, i tell Allison to message me when she gets home. When she messages back i apologize for laying on her and then falling asleep and thats when everything started..

Hey guys, im gonna stop it there and continue on chapter 4. I hope you enjoy reading this, oh by the way, this is where the story will all begin to not jump around so much because its getting more recent so i can detail it out and stuff but again I'm really sorry for bouncing around in these but my ADD jumps from one thought to another and some of it is just a blur to me. I want to thank you's for reading this and i would really like it if you guys would comment any advice, or just let m know what you liked the most about my stories.. See you next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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