Ch. 2

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A year has passed since i have last talked to my "mother". We have moved on, my father finds someone else. Her name is Natalie, she is nice and she cares for us (maybe even more than "she" did) a few months go by and my dad asks me how i would feel if we moved in with Natalie , i say "it would be nice" he smiles and says okay. He proceeds to ask my younger brother and he says "sure"... We move in with her and everything is good for a decent time. I go to a new school and avoid everybody.. I am very shy, i just listen to music and do the work I'm suppose to get done, i never raise my hand and i hade my face behind my long dirty blonde "scene/emo" hair and i just try to get through the day. At first its all okay but then the bullying starts at first it was just name-calling I'd get called names like: freak, fag, outcast, and failure. I try to ignore it but on the inside it begins to kill me more and more it would only get worse. I got shoved into lockers by people I've never even spoken to, then one day i kept getting made fun of on the bus so i moved to the front and waited to get off the bus when this kid came up to me. He wasnt anything special he was scrawny and average height with blonde hair and green eyes, but he came up to me and tapped my shoulder and asked if i was okay? I said "im fine" and he said "okay i was just checking.. My names Robert. What's yours?" I looked at him and said "Austin.." He replied "cool name.." I laughed. He then said "other than seeing if you were okay, i thought you looked pretty cool and wanted to know if you wanted to hangout later on?" I laugh again and say "I'll ask my dad" we ended up becoming best friends, we were brothers through and through.. Half the school year goes by and its the middle school dance. Robert and I decide that we were bored and wanted to go to the dance. My attire for the dance is a pair of skinny jeans, a black teeshirt and my favorite flatbrim DC hat hah. Robert wore basically the same thing except no hat and a random shirt he found in his closet. A lot of girls were obsessed with me (i dont know why) but i got my hat stolen A LOT.. But it was funny, this one girl stole my hat and ran into the girls bathroom. I didnt follow of course. So i had a friend of mine try and get it back for me, she couldnt get it but the girl returned it.. The dance went on just like any other dance. A few slow dances and stuff, i just sat in the corner.. When the dance we just about over i saw the girl who took my hat again. I didnt know her name at the time but she was short and was a "emo/scene" brunette girl. She was sitting in the corner with her head down and her friend sitting beside her, Robert and i go over to them and i ask her friend if she was okay. Her friend told me to go away. I said no and sat beside the crying girl and asked if she was okay. She shook her head no so i put my arm around her and her firmed giggles and whispers "you finally got what you wanted" i looked at her friend confused but didnt say anything. We ended up hanging out the rest of the dance. Everything was good from then on later that night i messaged her on facebook and at first was forced my Robert to ask the girl out. So i did and it just kinda went on from there... I stopped her from suicide about two maybe three times... It was extremely hard for both of us because we both had similar problems in our lives, each dealing with it in our own way.. But we both managed to pull through it together. About a half a year into our relationship she introduces my to her friend/cousin kid who i never would have thought I'd still be friends with his name was Jonah, he was (at the time) a chubby kid with brown really curly hair, he was kinda ghetto. He'd walk around in the summer in baggy jeans a teeshirt and a bandana wrapped around his neck. He was wierd but fun to be around... We talked a lot and became pretty close but later on we would begin to hate eachother on an off because of stupid things.. We actually got into a fist fight once where i kicked him in the stomach after he attempted to put me in a choke hold.. But we always got over it after a few months..... The girl i was dating was a really amazing person that i really thought i "loved" but now she is the reason those words terrify me.. You see i was with her for two and half years but they werent necessarily happy years... I had found out that she cheated on me three times. All with people that were really good friends of mine. Robert was the first, then a friend of mine. Her name was Alexis, then another friend of mine Christophe... We fought about it a lot but it eventually just faded away but i never forgot... We stay together for a total of two and a half years going on and off our relationship due to arguing.. I was hurt by it and cried about it but i didnt realise that it was just the beginning of my heartache... Three days after she left me she got together with Christophe and it killed me because he was my friend and didnt even care about how it affected me but things took a turn for the worse when i found out in school that after those three days she broke up with me.. Christophe had the guys to have sex with her... When i found out i wanted to punch him soo bad but i knew i couldnt not unless he hit me first. So i let my anger build up that day and the next day i was so angry that when i saw him i flipped out and i got sent to the principles office. After i calmed down somewhat i saw Christophe with the guidance counselor and i screamed at Christophe calling him "a piece of shit friend who isnt anything but a snake who stabs you in the back the first chance he gets" and the guidance counselor told me to go to class... I told her to fuck off... And then after they walked passed me i punched a locker once denting it but also nearly breaking my fingers and wrist (i got a "boxers sprain").. it was a bad day
Well thats all for now. I'm really sorry for getting off track so much and that the ending is kinda just me rambling about that incident. It was actually really hard to explain it in the same format that I've been trying to keep it in. Sorry, hope you like it though..

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