|leather with a hint of beer| 003

911 38 23


don't play the music yet.


I was rush writing like shit for this chapter because I just had so much stuff I wanted to do and add for it so if anything dosent make sense please lmk throughout the story☠️


Connie continuing to pull you by your hand gently you suspect that you were indeed not headed towards the pavilion but instead somewhere else. "Connie were are we going?" You asked lifting an eyebrow as you yanked your hand from his grasp.

"Trailers." He said blankly leaving little to-no context of why exactly y'all were both headed there. "Why..." you asked waiting for an answer but you didn't get one. Approaching the trailer Connie opens the door revealing some tall guys that were all in there minimal racing gear. "Sup Connie." A guy with long brunette hair approached Connie, dapping him up while another came to greet him who in which had blonde hair, all of them starting conversation with one another you start to feel left out.

all the tall intimidating men ignoring you really made you mad it was like you weren't there and just dragged along just because you didn't even get a hi or a hey. You looked between everyone in the room as you spotted Jean in the back of the room removing some type of wrist equipment, are you kidding me.. he had to be here especially after what just happened.

You sat on the nearby leather couch as you took out your phone scrolling through your socials, you come across a picture of you and Jean from when you were interviewing him you held your thumb on the screen as you examined the photo. He was smiling while you laughed at his joke about cars 3 you both oddly looked good together in which made you lowly smile.

Feeling the leather couch dip beside you, you turn to see jean as you immediately turned your phone face forward onto the couch so he wouldn't see what you were looking at. "Connie when are we leaving." You sighed interrupting his Convo leaning your head back into the squishy leather cushions. "Damn what did I do." Jean mumbled while putting his hands up in defense.

"Oh shit you brought mrs perfect with you." The brunettes eyes lit up as he came over to approach you while putting his hand out waiting for you to shake it. You smile sweetly putting your hand out as if you were gonna shake his before jerking it back and putting up the middle finger. Mrs perfect that nigga

His smirk fell flat as he let out a chuckle and put his arm down. "Eren." He introduced himself as he stood infront of you. "Liani." You put your finger down while turning your focus to the blonde waiting for his answer. He was on his phone completely distracted before he turned it off and tapped into reality. "Oh shit uh armin." He said putting his phone in his pocket nervously.

"Mhm thought so." You grinned before turning your gaze to the thermostat that said 69. "it's so cold in here." You huff complaining because one thing you hated was being hungry and cold, sitting back into the now cold leather couch cushions you try to ignore your needs until you were unexpectedly interrupted in thought. "Here princess." Jean said tossing his heavy leather jacket on your lap with one hand.

"We kinda keep it cold in here cause when we're out racing all the gas coming from the car mixed with the air quality from all of are cars running at once gets kinda hot." Jean added.

ohh that makes sense.

You listened to him explain while looking down to your lap, you saw the sponsorships on the jacket aswell as his racing number you roll your eyes playfully from his choice of nick name and his little explanation before putting on his racing jacket that reeked with car gas and a faint whiff of cologne. "Thank you." You said lowly as you smiled to yourself. "Huh I didn't hear you." He teased leaning closer.

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