Chapter one

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Y/N slept peacefully with his fiancé, Kobayashi. Y/N nuzzled her cheek gently as they were sleeping.

Kobayashi groaned softly as she was waking up. Last night she and Y/N went out drinking, came home, and....umm.....let's just say she was the one who started it.

Kobayashi rubbed her eyes. "Ugh, my head. Hangovers suck." She groaned and looked at her fiancé. She couldn't help but smile at him. The two meet when Y/N brought lunch for her office. Y/N was a cook for a local restaurant. The hours were long but the pay was decent. The two officially met when Y/N accidentally tripped and dropped a sandwich with olive oil, on her head. It was both funny and embarrassing to say the least.

Y/N was still sleeping. Y/N's pet cat, Max, looked at his master. The cat leaped up onto the bed and hit Y/N on the nose with his paw a few times. But Y/N still didn't wake up. "Here, leave that to me." Kobayashi said as she picked up Max and sat him on the floor.

"Babe? Babe? Babe it's time to wake up." Kobayashi said as she shook Y/N's shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. "Just tell him you'll sit on his face. Threat of suffocation might work." Max thought to himself, not realizing what he said actually meant.

Kobayashi looked at Y/N as he was still sleeping. She thought for a moment until she finally figured out a way to get him up. "Your older sisters been eaten by a shark." She said. Y/N immediately woke up and looked around the room. "Really?! Yes! That sexist, racist, feminist, transphobic, parasite finally bought the farm!" Y/N said with joy and jumped out of bed.

For years, Y/N's older sister made his life, along with the lives of his twin sister, and younger sister, a living hell. But that's another story for another time.

"Actually she's not dead, surprisingly. I just told you that just to get you up." Kobayashi admitted. Y/N then pouted and looked at her. He would've been upset, but he was seeing his fiancé naked so he wasn't that upset.

Y/N smiled as he remembered that night, Kobayashi tackled him and they proceeded to do the deed.

"Well good thing I didn't call Jackie, and Rosetta. I don't want them getting excited about nothing." Y/N thought. Y/N walked to Kobayashi and pecked her lips gently. Kobayashi smiled and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Save the kisses for later." Kobayashi said as she went to get dressed. "Ok fine." Y/N said in a playful tone of voice. Kobayashi was often like this, maintaining a cool demeanor. Though she has been regarded as kind-hearted and reliable among her friends and colleagues. Kobayashi usually tends to show little emotion, and acts very lazy when she gets to stay at home. Which is why Y/N was surprised when she first asked him out on a date two years ago.

After breakfast (Consisting of bacon, apple slices, and biscuits) Kobayashi gave Max his cat food, and took her stomach medicine. Y/N never understood why she needed it. "Man, my lower back hurts too." Kobayashi said to no one in particular.

"How about when we get home, I give you a back rub?" Y/N suggested to her. "Thanks, but it's going to need more than a rub. Feels like someone took a hammer and hit it repeatedly." Kobayashi said.

"I see. But think about this. Running that integration test should be a breeze." Y/N said trying to lighten the mood. Kobayashi nodded in agreement. "True." She said as she opened up the door.

What the two saw wasn't for the faint of heart. In front of them was a giant, green dragon. Y/N's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. Kobayashi looked like she was trying to scream.

The dragon was a big green European dragon with black wings and a light green underbelly. The height of her dragon form towers over Kobayashi's apartment that's four stories high.

"" Y/N mumbled in horror. Just then a red light surrounded the dragon.

In its place now a woman with long blonde hair with flaming orange tips and red-orange eyes with dilated pupils, and a buxom figure with large thighs and plump, bouncy breasts, most likely to be a D cup. She also had horns and a tail.

"Tah dah!" She said happily. Y/N looked at his coffee and started to wonder if instead of sugar, it was for some reason, crack. "Umm, is there a secret drug operation at the sugar factory I don't know about?" Y/N thought to himself..

"Having a good morning Mr and Miss's Kobayashi?" The girl asked happily.

"Meow?" Max said as he saw the girl. "Oh dear. One of your servants is stuck in animal form. Don't worry. I'll fix that!" Tohru said happily as she pointed her finger at the cat. Max's eyes widened as he tried to escape, only for a single beam of red light to zap him. The cat screeched and jumped in the air as if he were shot from a cannon.

"My cat!" Y/N shouted in surprise. The cat disappeared in a gray puff of smoke, and onto the floor fell A 6 foot two, skinny, pale skinned, Blue eyed human boy he looked like he was either 16 or 17.

"Ouch! Hey give me a guy a warning before you..... oh my God I'm a human!" The male said in alarm. " that our cat?" Kobayashi asked as she slowly realized that Max the cat was now Max the human.

Max looked at himself and realized he was naked. He yelped and covered his private parts. Kobayashi blushed and looked away. Y/N covered his eyes.

Max still had his cat ears and tail. "Oh geez I look like the male version of Blake from RWBY." Max said as Y/N threw him a bathrobe and underwear.

Max looked at the young woman. "Who are you and what's going on?" Max asked

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