Chapter 30: Planning and Preparing

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After everyone left, Harry and Hermione kept an eye on the tracker, but Taylorson didn't move again before ten in the evening. At that time Harry told Hermione to get some sleep while he took the first shift. They decided to each take four hour shifts watching the tracker in case their subject ended up being a night owl who decided to move on them. Then around 11:20 Harry noticed that the tracker disappeared completely and decided he needed to check with Hermione as he gave her a gentle mental nudge.

Hermione my love…



I'm here, what time is it? My turn?

It's only 11:20, but the tracker isn't showing anything.

Hmm, let me look.

Hermione got up and checked. After resetting the device and watching for a couple of minutes, she concluded that the device had finally overloaded or the battery had gone dead. Anyway, it appeared that they wouldn't get any more data on Taylorson and Harry sent Hedwig off with an urgent message to Kingsley. Then he and Hermione both went to sleep.

Monday morning dawned quietly, but Harry and Hermione were both busy calculating everything they had to get done for the day. They were up early in the morning and down at breakfast to talk to Neil and Jean. Once breakfast was over, the two couples departed for their separate destinations. The Grangers to their practice, Hermione to Grimmauld, and Harry to the manor.

When Hermione arrived at Grimmauld, it was unplanned, but the floo alarm chimed to announce her. Sirius was barely awake, but Remus was in the kitchen with his tea, reading the Prophet and came in to see who was calling.

"Hermione, good morning. What's happened since last night?"

"Nothing, except that we've been thinking on a lot of things. I'm glad you're here too. Is Sirius awake?"

"Grr..I'm uh..awake…um yeah…"

Hermione smirked as she turned to look at the tousled Lord Black in house robe and slippers.

"Very good. It's past eight you know. Those mirrors you made in school. We need more. As many as you can make in the next few days, but we need them a third smaller. And we'd like to use them as you make them. Impervious and unbreakable charms on them as well as long as it doesn't interfere with communications. Also, if you can make a broadcast feature that will allow an open communication to all recipients that would be very helpful. We start training at the manor tomorrow and ideally we'd like to train with them. Having battlefield communications will make a big difference. Harry will pay you back for any costs.

"Whatever. You do know it took us fourteen months to develop those."

"So you have your notes and know what you did. It should be easier now. Harry also said if you need me to help that it may speed things up. He is giving this top priority."

Remus smirked.

"I see. So he heard that we needed Lily for the final development of the mirrors before so he figures we need another bright witch to do it again. I appreciate the vote of confidence. We'll see if we need the help. Padfoot, you go get a shower. I already had one. I'll get dressed and go shopping. By the time I'm back, hopefully you'll have found all your brain cells and we can get to work. Hermione, I assume you and Harry will be at the manor?"

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