Gojo Satoru x Male Reader

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Title: Taylor's Magic ft. Wildest Dreams and Gorgeous
Genre: FLUFF!!!!!!!!!!

Reader Info:
You're a feminine type of man. You're the same age as Gojo (aged down to 20 years old, while Itadori and the others are 18-20), pretty, and is the Golden retriever/husky friend of your friend group. Btw you're tall, but 5cm shorter than Gojo.


"Y/N, pay attention!" Megumi yells for the nth time.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah?" You asked, snapping out of your daze from following a butterfly with your eyes.

"I--" Megumi sighs. "Did you not hear what I was talking about?" He asks.

"Oh, no!" You gave him a toothy grin.

"Fushiguro said we should go to this new fastfood place in town!! It has an arcade with it too!!! I think it's called Freddy's Pizzeria." Itadori exclaims excitedly.

"Really?! Count me in!!" You gasped and clasped hands with Itadori, excitedly jumping up and down with him as the two of you cheered.

"Great. Dogs." Kugisaki massages her temples.
"I'm only coming because of the food anyways." She says, shrugging. "And babysitting these two." She adds.

"I'll keep an eye on them. These two will NOT stay in the same spot when you turn around." Megumi mentioned.

"Hey!! We're not that bad!!" Itadori complaints, pouting.

"Itadori, you once ate a red pepper when I left you alone in the vegetable section at the grocery store." Megumi deadpans.

You wheezed.

"You too, Y/N. You literally took a stray cat home when you said you were only gonna buy Kugisaki's pads." He turns towards you with a slight glare.

"Still! We kept Iwa! He's a good cat!!" You argued.

"That cat is a DEMON, Y/N!" Megumi argues back.

"No he's not!"

"He is!"


"Keep it down, you two! You're going to get us kicked out of here!" Sukuna, who was staying quiet the whole time, speaks up, grumpy as ever.

"I- okay." You sighed, sitting back down.

Megumi shakes his head and sat down carefully.

You put on some earphones, playing Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams on.

"Oh, by the way. Is Maki-senpai and others gonna come with us? It's gonna be more fun if we're a lot!" Kugisaki beams, a bit more attentive because of the mention of her crush, Maki Zenin.

"Yes, they're coming. Infact, she was the one who planned this whole hangout at the new fastfood place downtown." Sukuna answers.

The chattering continues, but you tuned it out as you were vibing to the tune in your earphones.

'Here comes my favorite part!!!!' you excitedly prepared yourself as you were going to pretend you were in an edit.

You see me in hindsight, tangled up with you all night, burning it down.

You turned towards a direction, pretending you're in a music video or edit, but didn't expect to meet eyes with a beautiful tall male with bright blue eyes. He was wearing black headphones and was also looking at you.

Your eyes widened in pure awe. His beauty was truly eye pleasing and the way he looked back at you made your heart skip a beat or two.

Someday when you leave me, I bet these memories follow you around.

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