Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x S!MR

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Title: Splashes!
Genre: Smut
Warnings: (male) squirting, cnc, loud Mikey, slightly sadistic reader, short like obanai

Reader's info is all up to you <3

Short smutshot for y'all since I'm still finding my lost cat, Chifufu </3 (yes i named him chifufu.)


"A-AHH FUCK, Y/N!!" Manjiro screams, squirting for the 7th time in only under 12 minutes of the game.

What's the situation? It was another game of Squirting Games with you and Mikey. A game you both play where player 1 penetrates player 2 for 30 whole minutes and see how many times the player 2 cums or squirts. Only two rules though;
1. Player 1 can not use their dick when penetrating player 2.
2. If player 2 has a dry orgasm, they automatically lose.

Manjiro is a squirter, and it had honestly surprised you when you two first had sex. He likes it rough, and likes being praised but also being degraded.

Safe words are there too. Dorayaki for stop, Taiyaki for no, and N/N-chin for slow down. Because according to Mikey, 'Dont ever stop or slow down unless I say those safe words, got it?'

"Feels good?" You smirked, caressing your gloved and lubed up hand on his wet bum.

Mikey was currently on a black leather wingback chair, legs wide open for you as he was also dressed up in a maid outfit, the skirt folded upwards and resting on his tummy. He had his hands on the chair's sides, gripping on them.

"Y-yes it feels r-really good..." He whimpers out, thighs shaking from the stimulation.

His breath hitches when you entered two fingers inside his ass again, moving them in and out rapidly, making the white haired male scream in pleasure.

"N-no! I'm going to cum again!!!" He exclaims, body jerking violently as your fingers did wonders on him.

"Look how wet you are down here, you dirty whore. Letting me use you like this.." You gave his hardened dick a slap with your other hand, earning a yelp from him.

"Cum, slut."

And he did, squirting all over himself for the 8th time.

"Y-Y/N~" He moans out, breathing heavily as you didn't stop your rapid fingering, tempting him to cum one more time, only for you to pull out so suddenly.

"Wha- FUCK!!!" His confusion got replaced by shock as you inserted a 6 inch purple dildo inside his hole, his head being thrown back.

"What's wrong? Too much for you to handle?" You mocked, smiling as he quickly shook his head in disagreement.

"N-no! Yo-you're bigger- mhn haah~." He pants, trying to speak clearly, but no avail.

"Thought so. No sex toy in this world can satisfy you more than I can." You hummed, grabbing his aching cock and started stroking it, fast.

"A-ahh!! T-too much, fuck! I-its too much!!" He screams, squirting subconsciously.

"9th orgasm, Manjiro. It's only been 15 minutes." You said in a sing-song voice.
Mikey doesn't respond as he was moaning so much from the stimulation from both his dick and ass.

"My pretty boy, look at you... wetting yourself. Do I make you feel that good?" You asked, kissing his forehead.

"Y-yes you do!" He screams out, feeling the plastic dick hit his prostate.

"My baby loves me really much, doesn't he? Manjiro is my good boy, ne?" You continued on, gripping his dick harder.

He nods furiously, eyes closing and eyebrows knitting from the pleasure he's receiving. "Yeah, M-manjiro is Y/N's g-good boy!" He stuttered.

"If you continue being a good boy, you can get my dick later, hm? Do you want that?" You hummed, kissing his cheek.

"Y-yes! Oh fuck, yes! Please!" Manjiro's eyes crossed, body shaking as he has his orgasm.

10th on the 17th minute.

You pulled the dildo out, but didn't stop fisting his dick, making him clench on nothing.

Instead, you only rubbed his hole with your fingers, not inserting any.

"N-no! Put them in! P-please!!" Mikey whines out, shaking his hips slightly.

"Hmm.. no <3." You smiled, enjoying his frustrated cry.

You then stood up, letting him breathe a bit.

You fixed your gloves and clothes a little, eyeing the panting Manjiro with lustful eyes as you paused the timer, the time landing on 00:17:38 (h:m:s).

"Damn baby, you made a whole mess." You chuckled, seeing the wet floor and couch, little puddles of transparent liquid on them.

"S-sorry..." He breathes out before gulping, lightly wetting his dried throat up.

"Want some water before we continue?" You asked.

"Y-yeah..." He agrees.

You smiled and gave him a pat on the head before handing him the glass of water on the nearby table.

He thanks you and gulps down the water, emptying almost the whole cup.

Taking the glass and putting it away, you smiled at him. "Wanna continue now or you wanna admit defeat?" You asked, taunting him a little.

"Like hell I'm admitting defeat." He scoffs, opening his legs wider. "Let's continue."


Three fingers inside his hole, dick getting gripped hard, nipples being trapped in pinchers, Manjiro was in ecstasy.

His eyes were rolled back and crossed, drool escaping his lips, his cheeks flushed red, and sweat running down his forehead. His body was shaking from all the stimulation, legs going limp.
He was screaming and moaning incoherent things, his tongue out, and throat going dry from all the sounds that left it.

"This is a new record, you surpassed our previous record of 13 squirts, bub. You're on your 16th orgasm." You laughed lightheartedly, watching him squirt transparent liquid out of his cock.

"I-is it ov- nghh- over y-yet?" He asks quietly, thighs twitching and begging to be closed and rested.

"Two minutes left, my beloved." You pecked him on the lips, going faster on him as it was only the last two minutes.

"S-shit, Y/N!!" He moans, getting the shocks of pleasure throughout his whole body once again.

"Your insides feels so hot, Manjiro." You giggled, curling your fingers upwards and hitting his sweet prostate, earning you a loud scream.

"You love it when I touch you here, right?" You asked, focusing on penetrating his prostate more.

"I-I do! It feels very g-good!" He slurred, mind hazy and unfocused.

"F-fuck, I'm cumming!!" He yelled, eyes going wide and dilated as he came for the 17th time that night.

The timer then goes off, letting you and Manjiro know what it's over.

"You did so good, baby." You kissed his forehead.

He whimpers, feeling your hands retreating from his private parts, and closing his legs gently, then picking him up.

"Let's get you cleaned up, then we can sleep, okay?" You softly said, smothering him in kisses.

"B-but what about you..." He panted.

"Let's just have morning sex tomorrow, I'm sure you're very tired." You giggled.

"Okay..." He sighs tiredly, resting his head on your chest as he closes his eyes, falling into slumber.


A/n: I'm coming for the whole bonten executives.
(Except Mochi, I hate him...)

Sooo... Who's next? Sanzu or Kakucho?

I already did Rindou, Koko, and now Mikey <3

Might write Ran smut too lol 😭👌

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