My name's Chloe. I'm 16 years old and currently am living in new england.
About 15 months ago in November of 2011, I was molested. The perpetrator was a boy from my school who was in my grade.
This happened in my freshman year of high school. At the time, I was the boy's friend. I've been over his house before and his behavior didn't seem out of the ordinary until one November afternoon. He had asked me to come over his house. Seeing nothing wrong with the situation, I accepted and I took his bus home.
When we got to his house, his step parents were home. We headed into his computer room to play online games. His parents told us that they were heading out for a bit. At first, the visit didn't seem out of the ordinary until he grabbed my face and began to make out with me. I was unwilling. I pulled away. I didn't want to make things awkward but I also didn't want to kiss him. He continued to attempt to put his tongue down my throat, so I started to laugh.
I didn't laugh because I thought the situation was funny, I laughed because I was uncomfortable. He assumed I was laughing because he was a bad kisser, but still he pressed on. After pulling away and laughing numerous times, he finally gave up.
I thought that was the end of that. I checked the time on my phone. It was still another 2 hours before anyone was able to pick me up from his house. I felt vulnerable and uncomfortable sitting next to him. I never thought he was the kind of person to force a kiss upon someone else, so I wasn't sure what else he was capable of, but in the next hour, I would find out.
We were both sitting in seperate computer chairs looking at the same computer. We did the basics. Went on Facebook, played online games, and looked at funny pictures. We were on a website of funny pictures when advertisements showed up at the bottom of the page. The pictures for these ads were gross and some were sexual. He seemed interested in the more sexual ones.
He pointed out many of them to me and told me, "Chloe, no matter what happens, we have to do this," I was uncomfortable. The situation was awkward and I was scared. He was telling me that he wanted to have sex with me. We weren't dating. I didn't see him as anything more than a friend. I was stuck in his house for another hour.
I didn't say anything. He pointed to a certain picture of two people having sex where the girl was on top. He turned to me and said, "We're doing that right now," I felt my heart seize in my chest. I didn't want to do anything with him. I didn't know what he meant. We were alone, I was vulnerable, and he was strong.
I didn't care anymore about making things awkward. I was unsafe. I told him, "no."
He pressed on asking me to sit on his lap. Time and time again I said "no," There was a strong sense of seriousness in my voice. I wasn't joking around and I wasn't laughing.
Suddenly, he grabbed my waist and forced me onto his lap against my will. I was petrified. I didn't know what he was going to do. I was facing him on his lap with my legs spread so that his legs were in the middle of mine. He was under me and was holding me on top of him. I tried to get off but he's stronger than I am. I told him I didn't want to be on his lap but he ignored me by trying to kiss me. I turned away and told him to let me get off. Again, he ignored me, and responded by reaching up my shirt and trying to touch my breasts.
I felt disgusting and hopeless. I pushed his hands down time and time again. He didn't give up.
I desperately attemted to get off of him. He had a firm grip on my back, holding me against his body. I told him that I felt sick and I thought that I had a fever. That's when he let go of his grip, and finally I got off of his lap. Before I went to sit down, he said, "Come with me,"
I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Thousands of questions invaded my mind.
Where was he taking me? What was he going to do? What could I do to get out of this?
I felt completely hopeless as he led me upstairs. He took me into his bathroom and took out a thermometer. I eased up a little bit but not much. He put the thermometer in my mouth and took my temperature. It was normal.
"See?" he said. "You're fine."
We went back downstairs and he continued to try to make out with me but I insisted that I was sick. He told me that I was fine because I didn't have a temperature.
When we were sitting in two seperate computer chairs again, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his penis. It was above his pants, but it still made me feel extremely uncomfortable. He said, "I'm just going to put your hand here, and you can do whatever you want after that."
I drew my hand back and said, "No!" but he pressed on. He thankfully didn't grab my hand again but he kept on saying things like "Come on, Chloe," to will me to do it. I didn't want to. I wasn't going to.
Eventually I was picked up. I spoke not one word of what happened for a very long time.
This isn't the end of the story. This is just the beginning.