Chapter Ten

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Ten: News of Panic

I disclaim Ginny's quote from Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix.

Harry Potter woke up to the peaceful chirp of birds, the next day. He felt around for his glasses which was on his bedside table. As he groped for it, he was suddenly thrown back into a memory in his mind.

Harry Potter woke up to the peaceful chirp of birds that morning. He fluttered his eyes open but everything around him was a blur. The previous night's events hit him back as he remembered the wild auror chase he had done. He had arrested two known death eaters and that was no easy task. However, when he stunned two of the Death Eaters and sent them with a ministerial portkey, he, himself was stunned by a third concealed Eater. Fortunately for him, Ron got to his location and was able to save him from further harm but in this process, the best mates lost track of the third eater. As the side effect of getting hit using a very strong stunning spell, Harry lost consciousness. What he did not know was how he got to the bedroom in Potter Manor. Sure, Ron would have apparated them but it would have been difficult given the fact that only two aurors were looking for several dark arts practitioners. Perhaps their mission was dismissed the moment Harry lost consciousness. Harry sighed and that was when he heard the weight shift on his bed.

"You idiot!" he heard Ginny say. "How many times have I told you not to give yourself completely up to your damned job?!" Harry winced as she shouted. He could not see her without his glasses. He could just make out an outline with a mane of red hair.

"Err. . ."

"I know you can't see me. Take this, no wait." saying so, his vision became sharper as Ginny put his glasses on.


Ginny sighed. "Quit that hellish job and let's go to the muggle world. Don't get me wrong, I love this world after all this is the place I grew up in but really, after all the tough challenges which this very world threw at us, I'd like to lead a life of peace."

Oh how much Harry regretted now not taking her request into consideration. Even till then, he blamed himself every single day, every single hour and every single minute if his mind was not occupied with doing something else.

Shaking himself partially of the reflective thoughts, he put his round glasses on and got off his bed and walked to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. After that, he will be leaving to his new office for the first big event of his career in Smithson and Co.


The alarm of the phone woke Ginny Weasley up. She had bought a phone as soon as she joined the company as that would have been a necessity. For now, she had to get ready real soon. Iliana had called her up the previous night and asked her to come to the office at sharp seven. Ginny groaned and whined but when the receptionist said that a new contract meeting was scheduled, Ginny had no other option.

Ginny was asked to check the Google about some new companies which would be interested to make a contract with their company. After she had completed the said task, she reported that to her boss Madam Lithuvika. Pleased by this, Madam Lithuvika asked her to schedule a meeting and even lead it. If she turned out to be successful, she would be promoted to the job of Mr William, Madam Lithuvika's PA. Mr William was an aged man and hence, he was thinking of resigning. This paved the way for Ginny to have a shot.

The previous night was a very tiresome one for her. She had stayed up till ten to one (if she remembered right) typing the important details in the company provided laptop. She had to make the presentation which would contain the statistics and graphs of the growth and development of Smithson and Co. over the past seven years. She still had a lot more to type but no time. For instance, she did not remember typing the acknowledgement slide. Muggle inventions were still complicated to the witch and she had to struggle with inserting a pie chart and modifying it to fit the data. On top of that, Ginny did not know to operate the touch pad mouse of the laptop. She knew very well to operate a desktop with the wired mouse but laptop was foreign to her. She had used it previously but had not mastered it.

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