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The next morning you wake up with your head pounding. Rolling over you barely peek your eyes open to see the sun shining through curtains. Groaning you carefully sit up in bed glancing around the room before finding Alex sitting at the small table looking at you. "What happened?" you groan rubbing your head.
"There's medicine and water on the table you should take it," Alex says softly. Reaching over you take the meds draining the water in the cup.
"What happened?" you asked again.
"You don't remember last night?" she asked. Shaking your head no she sighs. "Why? Did I do something stupid?" you asked only to be met with silence. "Fuck. I'm sorry Alex. I don't know what happened. I've got a lot going on and I guess I just lost it. I'm sorry for whatever I did." you tell her.
"It's okay," she replies with a small smile.
"I didn't embarrass you did I?" you asked. She laughs "no you didn't."
You sigh in relief "okay good. Wait. Don't you have meetings today? I'm fine you can go..."
"It's Sunday. I have no prior engagements today. " she said cutting you off.
"Oh. Okay," you mumbled pulling the covers over your exposed body.
"I was hoping we could go out for breakfast or lunch now I guess," she says looking at her watch.
"Like together?" you asked her confused.
"Yes, like together," she says chuckling. You smiled nodding your head "do you mind if I shower first?" you asked her.
"No. Take your time. I'll be here," she said smiling back at you.

An hour later you and Alex were sitting down at a diner a few blocks from the hotel. The two of you made small talk while you ate. Once you were finished Alex sighs sitting back in her seat. "Y/n we have to talk."
"Okay," you said softly focusing on her.
"Last night you said some things to me and I've thought about it a lot last night..."
"So I did do something stupid? Great," you said cutting her off.
"No. We got into a disagreement when you wouldn't leave the club. You said that I didn't really know you and I only cared about myself. And you were right. Then after grey and I finally got you to the hotel you said you wished that I'd let you love me." she tells you.
You sigh heavily as you try to piece together what happened last night. Leaning forward you speak "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was clearly wasted and as I said I've just got a lot going on. It won't happen again. " you tell her.
Alex sighs "y/n do you remember the rules I set when we first started this?" you nod your head slowly.
"The number one rule was not to fall in love. And I think we can both agree it's been broken," she says. You nod your head dropping your gaze to the table praying you could control your tears.
"I'm sorry," you whispered holding back your cries.
"Me too. " Alex said sighing. "Because I broke the rule too," she said softly causing your head to snap up "what?"

Alex reaches over the table holding your hands in hers. "I love you. And no matter how hard I try I can't stop. But what you said last night showed me that I don't know you. So how can I love someone that I don't really know?" she says tears welling up in her eyes.

"What I'm trying to say is I want to know you. I want to learn everything there is to know about you. I want to be around you all the time. It kills me when you leave at night. And the thought of you being with someone else...I can't stomach it.  But I'm scared. I'm scared because I'm broken and I don't want to cause you any more pain. That's why it's so easy for me to go to Olivia. She knows. She knows how broken I am. I know that I love you but I don't want to be selfish and hurt you. However, if you're up for it I'd like to try. " she says tears pouring down her face as she holds tightly to your hands.

"You love me?" you asked shocked. She nods her head sniffling "I do." Sighing you get up sliding into the booth next to Alex.
"Alex, I'm broken too. I know that I had no right to be but I was upset when I opened that door and seen Olivia. It hurt me so much and it pissed me off because I knew I shouldn't have. I love you. As long as you're willing to try I am too. But some things need to change."
"I'll do it. Whatever it is I will do it," she says cutting you off. "Tell me and I'll do it," she says pulling your hand to her mouth placing a gentle kiss on your palm.

"Okay, first no more running to Olivia when things get hard. You have to talk to me. Tell me what is going on in that head of yours. This won't be easy and I can't make it work alone. You have to be in this too to make it work. "
"I will be. I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't keep Alex. It will be hard. We're both stubborn and have tempers. " you chuckled. Alex laughs nodding her head.
"Anything else?" she asked.
"Well, you probably shouldn't be paying me if we're dating." you chuckle.
"No, I shouldn't. But can I keep the accounts for you? I meant what I said I want you to be able to focus on school instead of bills. Plus if you're working all the time how will I get to spend any time with you? " she laughs.
"We'll see how it goes. How does that sound?" Alex nods "Okay."

"Y/n I'm really sorry about sleeping with Olivia. It doesn't happen often I swear. " she tells you.
"I know. I'm sorry too for how I reacted."
"Can I kiss you?" she asked. "In public?" you asked looking around the crowded diner.
"Yes," she whispered. You smile nodding your head as she leans closer to you placing a gentle kiss on your lips.  You groaned when she pulled away missing the feeling of her soft lips against yours. Alex chuckles pulling you in for a hug.  Pulling back she cradles your face in her hands.
"We can take it slow. Go on dates. Whatever you want to do I'll do it. I really want to make this work. And I'll call Olivia and tell her. " she tells you. You nod "okay."

"You know under different circumstances you and Olivia would get along. You two are a lot alike. It may not make sense but she's my friend, my best friend. The sex is just that sex. It's like an escape from the world for me. It doesn't mean anything serious. "
"I know. I understand. And if I'm being honest I looked her up. She seems like a nice person. "
"She is. But I will have a conversation with her. Okay? "
"Okay," you say kissing her again. She smiles into the kiss before pulling back.
"Let's get out of here. We have to pack and be ready for our flight tonight,"  she tells you. You nod your head as the two of you get up and exit the diner. Once the two of you are in the car you quickly lean across the seat pulling Alex into a heated kiss. She moans into the kiss holding you in place as your lips danced across each other. Pulling back for the air you sigh as you lean your forehead against hers "promise me this is real. Promise you won't change your mind once we get back to New York."  you whisper through your tears. Alex pulls you in for another kiss before speaking "I promise." she says smiling against your lips. "I promise," she repeats pulling your body into hers as you rest your head on her shoulder.

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