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The plane ride back was filled with cuddles and kisses. Neither one of you wanting to lose contact with the other. Finally back in New York grey drives you two into the city.

"Alex? Is it okay if I stay with you tonight?" you asked her.
"Don't you have class in the morning?" she asked you. You nod "yes but I. I don't want to leave you just yet." you tell her blushing. She smiles "Grey, change of plans head to my house please."
"Yes, Ms. Alex," he says turning the car around. You smile back at Alex "grey will drive you to class in the morning. Okay?" she asked. You nodded snuggling closer into her. She smiles wrapping her arm around you as she looks out the window.

Arriving at the house Martha greeted both of you with smiles and hugs. Martha offered you food which you happily accepted while Alex took off to the shower. Once you were done eating you went to your bedroom to shows as well. Now that you were clean and fresh the exhaustion hits you. While you showered you kept going back and forth about climbing into bed with Alex. You didn't want to crowd her or come off as needy but you also wanted to be close to her. Finally, you made your decision walking to her room. Opening the door you were met with darkness. Trying to keep your nerve about coming in here you walked quietly to the bed before climbing in. Once you were settled under the sheets you feel an arm wrap around your waist pulling you towards the warm body.
"Took you long enough," Alex whispers kissing your cheek snuggling close into you. You smiled as the exhaustion took over your body.

The next morning you're up bright and early so grey can drop you off at your apartment. Alex already left kissing you goodbye as she headed back to work. Back at your apartment you quickly changed and grabbed your things headed back down so grey could drive you to class. Once you reached the school you said your goodbyes to grey as you headed towards the campus. A few steps ahead of you you see Tara walking towards your class. "Tara!" you shout causing the girl to turn around. Once she saw you she runs towards you. "Y/n!! I missed you!" she exclaimed, hugging you tightly.
"I missed you too T. " you tell her pulling back from the hug as you two continued to walk to class.
"Are you okay? How was the trip?" she asked.
"I'm okay. And it was good. It was definitely a much-needed break even with the circumstances." Tara nods. "Well how about we have lunch today and catch up. I've missed you! We can invite Josh and Eddie they were worried about you." she suggests.
"Sounds like a plan to me." you smiling as you two entered the classroom.
"Hey y/n," Kiara said smiling and waving as you and Tara sat down. You smiled and waved back. Tara chuckles leaning over "Kiara really missed you. She asked me like 200 times how you were while you were gone." she chuckled. You laugh rolling your eyes.

Just as the lecture was getting started your phone vibrates against your pocket. Quickly taking it out you look at the screen to see Alex's name. You smile opening the text
Alex: "I miss you already."
You: "I miss you too."
Alex: "Lunch?"
You: " I already told T I'd have lunch with her sorry. "
Alex: "Oh. Well, that's okay. I'm sure your friends missed you."
You: "I wouldn't mind having dinner with you though."
Alex: " I'll have Grey pick up at 7. Wear something nice. "
You: "Okay. See you tonight."
You smiled putting your phone back into your pocket. Tara side-eyes you probably wondering who was on the phone. You smile at her before returning your focus back to the professor.

After your lunch with your friends, you were happier than ever. You couldn't wait to see Alex tonight. Arriving at the apartment you went into a crazy mode. You cleaned your apartment, showered, shaved, and spent the rest of your time on your hair, makeup, and outfit. You finally decided on a black dress. It was simple but it was a nice dress. Your hair was curled and framing your face and your makeup was flawless. Hearing a knock at the door you finished your final steps and headed that way. Opening the door you gasped your mouth hanging open.

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