First book review- The Fault in Our Stars

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Book: The Fault In Our Stars 

Author: John Green

Reading Duration time: Four--Five hours over two days.

When I began to read this, the first paragraph had me instantly hooked. The fact that John Green didn't stall the plot and got straight into it and introduced Hazel, the main character of the story, straight away, helped me really enjoy it from the beginning as I dislike it when authors don't introduce at least one of the more important characters, either protagonist or antogonist, at the start. 

Hazel, albeit depressing at times, was definitely an amazing main character and I enjoyed reading everything from her point of view, rather than the point of view changing throughout the story.

Then there was Augustus Waters, Hazel's love interest who also appeared to be her best friend throughout the book aswell. He was quirky and funny and saw the light of every bad situation and saw the good in everyone. 

The ending was definitely not what I was expecting, and I cried for almost an hour before I finally stopped, but if I could I would eradicate any memory of ever reading this book so I could read it again and again and again, just to feel over-whelmed by the emotions I got reading it the first time again. 

This has got to be in my top ten books I've ever read, and I know I could read it a hundred times and not get bored of it. Ten out of Ten for John Green, The Fault In Our Stars, and I'd definitely recommend it to everyone even if they do not enjoy reading this type of book.

My favourite quotes of the book are: '“Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'' and 'I'll fight it. I'll fight it for you. Don't you worry about me, Hazel Grace. I'm okay. I'll find a way to hang around and annoy you for a long time."

I should warn you in advance, however, to have tissues ready when you read this. I never expected to cry as much as I actually did reading this book, but then again, nobody really does, do they? Expect to cry, I mean. 

Thank you for reading my first ever book review of The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

Overall rating: Ten out of Ten.

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