Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Kye-Li

After the huge feast, and bewildered that Dementors (guards of Azkaban and the ones we saw on the train whilst Thalia was asleep) were going to be patrolling Hogwarts and realising that the new teacher that saved our lives earlier, Professor Lupin, is deemed to be our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, I thought this year was going to be a little more peaceful. But I guess not. Harry has been being an awful friend by telling me Thalia's forgotten about me, just because she hung out with some other Gryffindor girl. Hermione's on his side, too. Sometimes I wonder if they really do care about me.

"Fortuna Major." said Hermione, and the portrait of the Fat Lady opened its way for us into the Common Room. There were a bunch of students, either doing homework, messing around, or doing other things I probably could not be bothered about. Thalia was sat on the couch reading a book. As I walked past, I tiptoed over to see what book she was reading. I could hardly see, so I leant in a little more, hoping I wouldn't fall on her. The top of the right page had the name 'Good Omens'. 

Just then, something moving distracted me. Seamus Finnegan, that Irish bloke. I never liked him from the start. He then sat right beside Thalia on the couch. I immediately backed away in case anybody saw me, especially those two. Thankfully, Seamus didn't, or he'd suspect something. I decided to crouch and overhear their conversation.

"Hey," said Seamus, in his annoying Irish accent.

"Hi!" chirped Thalia. I could tell she was pleased meeting him. I mean, he isn't even as good looking as I am.

"What's your name, lovely?" said Seamus. Wow, he was such a big flirt. I immediately took a disliking to him.

"I'm Thalia," she gushed. "And you?"

"Seamus Finnegan." he replied proudly. "What book is that?"

But...I noticed that book first! 

"It's 'Good Omens' by two Muggle authors called Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett." she replied, almost very shyly.

"Hi," I sprung up from my position, shocking the skin out of Thalia and Seamus. Seamus gave me a dirty smirk.

"Hi, Weasley, anything new with you this year?" asked Seamus sarcastically.

"I'm doing fine, and you?" I replied grimly.

"Bloody brilliant." mimicked Seamus, sharing a laugh with Thalia. She then stood up, shutting the book.

"I'll see you soon, Seamus Finnegan. It's good meeting new people. Good night!" 

"Night, Thalia. It was nice meeting you." said Seamus dreamily. As Thalia strutted past me, I could sniff the scent of her flowery hair. I felt dizzy.

"She's pretty cool," said Seamus. 

"Oh, no, don't even think about it." I retorted. 

Seamus frowned. "You can clearly see she likes me."

"Too bad. She's going to be my partner during potions tomorrow." I said.

"You don't reserve partners." said Seamus, annoyed.

"Goodnight, Finnegan." I said limply. 

He, too, was walking up to the dorms. I intended to meet Harry. He must've been ready for bed by now. I was quite late, considering it was the day of the arrival.

"Hi, mate." I said, plopping myself down on my bed. Harry came over and leant on one of my bedposts.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Well...I need some advise." I said desperately. "How do I talk to her again?"

"Her again?" groaned Harry, rolling his eyes, making his way back to his own bed. 

"I fancy her, alright? I'm only human after all!" I replied angrily, springing up from my position.

Harry shook his head in disappointment, as the rest of the Gryffindor boys crowded around my bed. 

"Fancy who?" Dean Thomas asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Weasley finally has his feelings." Teased Seamus.

With all that, Harry fell asleep without another word on his bed. I was enraged that nobody would help me get to her. Unless I befriended Seamus. Or maybe not. 

I have a tiny solution in the back of my mind. Hermione.

I ran to the girl's dormitory, without thinking, swinging the door open to Hermione's dorm. The minute the door was open, the girls were screaming and running around, yelling, "INTRUDER!". I caught sight of Thalia, who smiled a little when she saw me. No, Ronald, don't look at her!

"Ronald!" Hermione exclaimed, running toward me and heaving me out of the door, following along and slamming the door shut from those terrified girls. 

"What do you think you're doing?" She snapped, placing her hands on her hips.

"Hermione, I...well, I need to ask you how Thalia thinks about me. This is important."

"Can you stop talking about her?" Hermione grumbled. "She really doesn't want to talk to anybody right now. Besides, she doesn't like you!"

"Well, what the bloody hell is wrong with you asking her? Oh, right, okay, maybe you won't. Let's see, because you're so good at making predictions and little hallucinations! That must be why you're such a blabbermouth sometimes." I replied hotly. 

Hermione exhaled, with a sad frown on her face. "Are you really that insensitive to others' feelings, Ronald? Do you even know what you've just said to me? I am human too, I've got feelings and -"

"Fine! Well... ARGH! Forget it, you're no help to me anyway."

Hermione turned on her heel and stalked back into the dorm, slamming the door shut behind her. I could hear muffled complaints coming from her, but I didn't care...I mean, she was really whiny after all. Nobody could blame her. Well, look, maybe I should've apologised. Hermione was so difficult to talk to sometimes. I miserably made my way back to the boys' dormitory until I heard the girls' dormitory door open. I turned to look behind me, expecting Hermione's apology. It was Thalia. At least she was dressed this time.

"Hey," she said, not smiling. "I think you owe her an apology. But, I'm sorry about that, she's probably just tired."

"It's alright." How could I deny her beautiful voice?

A tiny smile spread across her face. "Thanks. Look, sorry about just now, alright? I didn't mean to snap at you. I just really don't want to be reminded of...well, anything. Draco's like that sometimes and I'm sorry if he has said anything that hurt you."

"No," I said quickly. "But I didn't mean to pry at you."

"No, no, you weren't." said Thalia, sighing, placing a palm on her forehead. "Draco behaves like this usually. I'm tired of his attitude and how he treats others."

"Yeah, real git he is. I secretly think Crabbe and Goyle hate him. Not even a Dementor would kiss him." I replied, with a tiny smile. Thalia laughed, revealing her neatly arranged teeth, perfectly pearly white.

"That was good." she grinned.

"It's getting late," I told her. "You should get some rest. Well, um...long day tomorrow."

"Yeah..." she bit her lip. My stomach did these repetitive loops whenever she was around. Right now, they were pretty bloody bad.

"Goodnight." I said, making sure to smile. She hesitated, her mouth half open, but then closed them. Then without hesitation, she reached up on her tippy toes and leant forward to my face, where her rosy lips pecked my cheek gently. She hurried back into her dorm quickly after, and closed the door. My fingers lightly brushed against where I felt her lips, and I felt my cheeks go warm.

Still dumbfounded, I walked back to the dorm. I crept into bed, still grinning, and closing my eyes. I could finally sleep after knowing Thalia wasn't mad at me.

But then, shocked, I suddenly remembered the Potions homework Snape gave us during the holidays. 

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