Chapter 18

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It was about three weeks later, when I really did have just about enough of Hermione. Scabbers has disappeared, and is nowhere to be found. Everyone's helping me search for the mouse, but he's too small. Mum is definitely going to kill me for this. It wasn't the same without Scabbers, although he was annoying at some point. Jesus, I hated Hermione's bloody cat. Thalia's cat was just as naughty. Speaking of her, though, she was being a great friend. She wasn't hanging out with Harry and I any longer. She made the completely wrong decision to follow Hermione along. Every time I walk past them, they give me the nastiest glances like I've killed their grandparents. Still, I do believe Hermione's cat is the one that stole Scabbers. My head felt hot at the thought of that.

  "Ron," said Harry, who was sipping on some pumpkin juice. "We're to meet Hagrid. Today."

  "And why's that?" I bit into a piece of toast.

  "He says, for a cup of tea. He even says it's something important." Harry emphasized 'important'. 

  "Right then, we'll go." I uttered, taking a small glance towards Hermione and Thalia. Mighty me, those girls looked depressed. Exactly like they did every other time. I did have a fight with Thalia about two days ago, but it wasn't my bloody fault. She was the one getting all sensitive about the talk of Malfoy, and me, being human, I was curious. I wasn't exactly sure why she never wanted to tell me why the whole Malfoy thing's a sensitive topic. It's not like I wasn't trustworthy enough.


Harry knocked gently on Hagrid's door, about three times before Hagrid came to open the door.

  "Boys," said Hagrid, not too happily. "Come on inside. We need to talk." Harry and I exchanged odd looks and went inside Hagrid's hut, still as messy as before and there were teacups sprawled everywhere. The entire place smelled of ashes. The fireplace was alive, and Hagrid did seem to be cooking something.

  "Now," said Hagrid, taking a deep breath. "I would like to tell you something. You have to promise that you will listen to me."

  "Of course," said Harry, glancing at me. "Of course we will."

  "I have two things to say." said Hagrid, looking at us with an odd, serious expression. Hagrid was never normally this straight forward with us.

  "One," Hagrid went on. "I'm going to be speaking on Hermione's behalf to the both of you. Your feud has been hurting Hermione very much, more than you'll ever think, and she wishes for you to stop because she was only concerned about you, Harry, being hurt by Sirius Black. Ron, I'd like to tell you that although Hermione is aware that your little Scabbers is gone, she doesn't like the fact that you're pinpointing her own Crookshanks. Perhaps he dinnae do anything." 

Harry nodded guiltily. I followed along and nodded. 

  "Secondly, this is a tad bit more directed to you, Ron." said Hagrid, turning to me, raising an eyebrow. "Thalia."

  "Right," I snicker a little bit. 

  "You are aware she is completely upset about the fights the both of you have," Hagrid said. "I think all the lass wants is a little space."

  "Thalia?" I blurted. "But, she-"

  "Don't say anything, now," Hagrid cut in. "We know how you feel. But all she wants is an apology. I promise this will end." I thought that the apology toward her was ridiculous if she didn't have one for me, but how could I have said no to that?

  "Yes," I said softly and obediently. "I'll do that."

  "Thank you," said Hagrid proudly. "You better be off now, boys. It's nearly dinnertime. The two girls didn't look too good today." With that, we bid Hagrid a temporary goodbye and headed off towards the castle again. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I had a feeling that Thalia would never accept my apology. I've been terrible to her. Most of it was my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have tried so hard to be a part of her life.  

Harry and I made our way back slowly to the Common Room. We tried being as slow as possible, almost like we were contemplating our actions. I suppose Hermione and Thalia would've been camping out in the Common Room. Every single day Harry and I would walk past them and they'd be there talking about their problems, telling each other everything. Comparing hair colours. Comparing homework. Typical Hermione and Thalia.

  "Harry, what was the password again?" I asked, frowning. There was a change of passwords for our Common Room because apparently Neville couldn't keep his mouth shut and a Ravenclaw had managed to come inside. Now every Gryffindor student was banned from telling Neville the new password. It was also a very long one. 

  "It's Flibbertigibbet," said Harry, clearing his throat. The portrait of the Fat Lady swung aside to make way for us.

  "Bloody hell," I said dismissively. "How am I supposed to remember that?"

  "Firstly, it's not that bad," said Harry, shrugging. "Secondly, McGonagall expects us to." We walked down toward the expectedly busy Common Room. Thalia and Hermione was in a corner with a few other students, watching two others arm wrestle. Harry hesitantly took a step toward them, and tapped them on the shoulder. What a brave act. They did turn around immediately, only to have their smiles disappear and their arms folded expectantly.

  "Hi," said Harry, lost for words. "Can we talk?" Hermione and Thalia exchanged their glances, and once they've approved of it, they nodded and stood facing us to listen.

  "We're sorry." Harry simply said. "Hagrid did talk to us. We're truly sorry. Hermione, I didn't realise what I did was hurting you...and I'm sorry for that."

Hermione feigned a tiny smile at Harry. "That's alright." she squeezed his shoulder gently with her palm, and then she turned to look at me. "Ronald, I think you've got an apology." I probably looked redder than a tomato. I turned to look at Thalia, who was looking at me not happily. She made a tiny sound and a gesture to say "go on.". 

  "I don't know how to say this, Thalia, but I'm sorry for trying so hard to get into things you wouldn't want me knowing. I'm sure you have a purpose anyway. I really want to be friends with you again. I'm sure that'd be a privilege I will treasure forever. Will me?"

  "Yeah," Thalia began to say. "I will. I'm sorry, too. I'm pretty sure you were just trying to get to know me better. My pride got the best of me, though. Of course we're friends." 

I could not have felt more relieved. With this, she wrapped her arms around me. I felt my cheeks warm, and I held her close. I felt good again. The feeling of being in Thalia's presence couldn't beat anything. I couldn't even get over how happy I was. We were friends again. 

We were friends again. Well done Ronald.



They're friends again!

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