untitled quote prompt ficlet

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this one is based on a tumblr quote prompt: "you really are just a load of bad ideas wrapped inside a pretty body."

it immediately made me think of clyde telling his long term s/o about the heist.

The two of you had been dating for well over a year when Clyde sat you down one slow and warm Sunday afternoon with the intention of talking to you about something serious. Serious conversations weren't often a thing that occurred between the two of you, they weren't necessarily your forte. Most of the time if the two of you ever talked about anything deep, about trauma, your pasts, or anything that lingered, it was a soft murmur between your lips while the two of you lied in bed together, half awake but not quite ready to fall asleep yet. Even with the confirmation that the other would still be there when you woke.

Which is why this Clyde sanctioned "Serious Talk" made you a little nervous. He'd grabbed you gently by the shoulders and firmly steered you towards the couch, and the look in his eyes had been enough to keep you from making some sarcastic joke about whatever it was he could possibly want to talk to you about. The truth was that you'd been waiting, almost expecting... some sort of proposal for a few weeks now, and part of you had hoped maybe this was a lead up towards that.

But then you absolutely never expected what came out of Clyde's mouth, instead.

"Darlin', I need to confess something to you."

You're secretly a mass murderer? Okay, no. Not the time for your poor taste in humor.

"Yeah?" You reached for Clyde's hands where they were still resting over your shoulders and pulled them down into your lap, taking comfort in the contrast of flesh and metal, "Should I be concerned about this... confession?"

Clyde's gaze slides away from yours briefly before his eyes are staring back into yours, and as he skips over your question entirely, you can feel the lines between your brows slowly deepening as Clyde's fingers tighten around yours.

"Jimmy an- Well, Mellie, Jimmy and I- and. No." Clyde stumbled over himself as he tried forming his rapidly forming thoughts into words, "Mellie, Jimmy and I, 'bout a couple years ago, we, uh..." you could see guilt building in Clyde's eyes as he hesitated once more.

"You, what?"

A long, slow, and deep breath escaped him, "We robbed the speedway."

You blinked. Several times.

"You...." You paused, thinking to yourself, "Wait, weren't you in prison for a few months two years ago? I thought you just ran into the front of the gas station down the street?"

Clyde swallowed, "I did. It was part of the heist plan."

The heist.

You couldn't help it. You'd known Clyde and his brother had gotten in loads of trouble as kids, but you never imagined that your big bear of a boyfriend would be committing felony level crimes now, as a result of all that mischief. And so you laughed.

Pulling Clyde's flesh hand up to your lips, you attempted to calm your giggles as you pressed your lips to his knuckles and lifted your gaze to meet his. And when your eyes met his confused, and half-stunned expression, you couldn't help the next words out of your mouth.

"Well aren't you just a load of horrible ideas wrapped inside that pretty body." Pulling one of your hands from his, you reached up and teasingly pinched at Clyde's cheek, unable to help the next series of chuckles that escaped your lips.

Clyde's flesh hand immediately went for yours, pulling away from your touch, "Darlin', I'm being serious."

"Oh, I know you are, bear. But it was two years ago. I'm not sure what you want me to do about it?"

If he somehow expected that this unexpected, and kind of humorous, revelation was going to drive you away, then he was completely wrong, "I mean- Thank you for being honest with me. But...." A series of unintelligible noises escaped you, and you shrugged.

As if it was as simple as that.

You'd never in your life claimed to be on the good side of the morality scale, and if Clyde and his siblings had clearly been smart enough to not get themselves caught, then what were you to do about it? Turn them in? Lose the man you were in love with? Lose him and his siblings who treated you as much as family as they did their own flesh and blood?

Absolutely not.

There was no reason for you to.

And as you watched Clyde's soft brown eyes widened, you could tell he was slowly coming to this same realization as well. You could practically see the gears turning inside his head as he was hopefully realizing that you truly didn't care, and even something like this wasn't enough for you to claim you no longer held those same feelings of love and affection for him. And you could tell he was coming to this very realization, because all of a sudden his hand was releasing yours, the cool metal of his prosthetic arm was swiftly digging into your back, and Clyde was pulling you straight into his lap.

"Have I ever told ya how much I love you?" He growled out, his nose brushed over your cheekbone and lips were automatically seeking out yours.

"Never." you sarcastically muttered out, your lips brushing over Clyde's in response not even a split-second before the two of you locked yourselves together.

It was as much a fevered kiss of quick passion and lust, as it was one of relief and genuine love. Passion ignited as it always had throughout your relationship, and relief that Clyde's revelation wasn't as life changing or mind altering as he had clearly thought it would be. Fingers were thrust into long strands of hair, gripping tight, as Clyde's prosthetic held you even tighter to him. As far as "serious conversations" went, you knew this was possibly the best outcome the you and Clyde could have ever gotten out of a conversation that almost started with "I'm actually a wanted felon."

Now it was something for you to tease him about. Something you were sure Clyde had fretted over in the past, but no longer needed to weigh over him as something he had to keep from you.

Clyde was quick to make it known just how... overjoyed, and happily shocked he was at your reaction to his admittance. Because before you knew it Clyde was standing from the couch and making his way down the hall towards your shared bedroom with you still held comfortably in his arms.

And you happily let him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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