Whiskey and Flannel Fantasies (feat. Flip Zimmerman)

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WARNING: smut! A threesome if ya can't tell. Sexual thoughts/fantasies. Fingering. Oral sex (both female receiving and male receiving). semi-public sex. teasing. And Flip Zimmerman being a bit of a lil shit while Clyde Logan is our big ole teddy bear as always.

For _meggie_may obviously <3

This one is based on a TikTok Meg sent me. (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdGjnnsu/) Or a couple I've seen over the months with both Clyde and Flip. It doesn't follow any of their plots really but they have inspired what I've written.

also please be soft on me this is my first time writing a threesome (but certainly tell me if its awful because i do want to write a few more in the future)

Of course your car just had to break down in the middle of some stupid little town where the only amusement for anyone over the age of 21 was a cheap bar off the side of the highway....

It had a dumb name too. But you couldn't even remember the name of it.

Although perhaps you were just a bit grateful that after 10 hours of driving already today, if your car had to breakdown, that at least it had broken down in town instead of off in the middle of nowhere West Virginia.

Besides, the bartender seemed nice enough. He'd offered you the number of a local mechanic for you to call in the morning (someone who he trusted), told you which motels to stay way from for the night, and gave you one of your drinks on the house.

And he was kinda hot.

Okay not just kinda. He was really hot.

You had never really been one for Southern men, but this bartender (dear god how you wished you had asked for his name) definitely did not look like most other Southern men you've met.

Sure he talked with the accent, something you found cute on him in retrospect, but the long dark hair and the facial hair. Oh lord, and the fact that he was built like a fucking refrigerator.

That was exactly your type.

And part of you, upset about how you were stuck in this little town until your car could be fixed, really wanted to do something about it.

Just one little night with the frankly fucking attractive man who knew how to make cocktails with only one hand-

Oh, did you not mention that before?

Yeah. One hand. And it seemed like he knew exactly what how to handle himself with it.

You'd noticed a few other people, obviously not familiar to the area the same as you, hesitate after seeing his prosthetic. But you found you didn't care.

It kinda added to his intrigue. You wanted to know more.

You wanted his giant biceps wrapped tightly around your back as he pu-

You rolled your eyes and slumped over your drink.

Christ, you're fucking pathetic. You thought to yourself.

In order to not tempt yourself you had moved away from the bar. Sat at one of the tables not to far away, you toiled over your situation, stewing in your anger. But you also couldn't stop the way your mind repeatedly bounced back to the bartender, and the lewd thoughts of him bouncing you on his d-

Your thoughts were interrupted as the door to the bar slammed closed, signaling someone else's entry.

Looking up towards the front, you watched a tall man walk through and sit down on the side of the bar that faced you. He was wearing a dark colored flannel and jeans.

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