Chapter 9

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Authors note: I'm sorry for the long wait but here it is! Enjoy ;)

It's Mattheo he is fighting with someone? Why is Mattheo fighting? I walk closer and try to push myself through all the people. I can finally see who Mattheo is fighting with. Fucking Gray. But I see the reason why because his car is full of slur's carved into it with what looks like a key maybe a pocket knife even.

The principal and my PE teacher are running to the incident and stop both of the guys from them killing eachother. And they walk into the school again with the boys probably to have a talk with the principal. Great now I have to wait for Mattheo to come back too because I don't have a ride home. The surrounding people who were watching are starting to leave and just then the parking lot is empty. Why is it taking so fucking long.

Grayson's pov

The school day is finally over and I walk past my locker and say bye to Leo. I'm walking into parking lot to look for my car just to see it all damaged and words carved into it. Words like "junk" and "addict" and even more "abused kid" was the worst. I bet it was Hayden and his stupid bestfriend.

"Do you like your new car mate?" I hear A familiar voice from behind me say. I turn around and just punch him in the face. Mattheo fucking Cappiello did this. I didn't expect him to do something this low. We get in a fight and there's many people surrounding us now and I make fast eye contact with the person I really didn't want to be here. I know she hates me more now because I'm beating up her bestfriend.

The principal and another teacher came running and took us the the principal's office. "Seriously Mr. Vittorio this is the second time this" she's very annoyed. "As if two weeks detention isn't enough. It's three weeks now and you have to clean up the cafeteria every day for three. Weeks. Long." She tells me. "But ma'am did you see what he-" I try but she won't let me speak further "I'll deal with him thank you" she says. "Now get out of my office and go home" she looks at me with a smile on her face. I would smack it off her if it wasn't the principal. I leave her office and see Mattheo sitting with the teacher waiting for his turn. I glance at him as he had to talk with the principal now.

I walk back to the parking lot and my fucked up car. I see a girl sitting by the last car standing here so it's definitely Mattheo's car. And where Mattheo is can only be one girl with him. Adreanna. So I walk up to her and she stands up immediately. "You bloody motherfucker" she yells at me but I stand still. "What are you still doing here don't you know it's dangerous to walk alone at this time?" I tell her calm. She ignores my question "how dare you beat him up! He didn't even do that to your car!" Why does she have to be yelling so loud. "Love, we both know he did that to my car. He's jealous that he can't afford a good car" I smirk. She stays silent.

"Do you need a ride home?" I ask her. "I'm good thank you" she says. When I'm trying to be nice she just doesn't accept it. "Fine then" and I walk back to my car and drive straight to the garage to fix my car.

Adreanna's pov

Gray walks back to his car and I watch as he drives away. Mattheo didn't do that right? Mattheo wouldn't do something like this.

"Hey princess" Mattheo says behind me. "Did you carve that into his car?" I turn around to face him. "Addie please" he whines. "Did you?". I can't believe him. "Yeah..." he says quietly. He did this. And I trusted him that he didnt I even said to Gray that Mattheo didn't do it.. "Addie please get in the car we can talk about this" he speaks and opens the car door for me. "Im walking home" I say. "Addie-" "give me time Mattheo i don't want to talk now" I'm not gonna talk to him when he did this I need to progress it first. "Then atleast let me bring you home" he nods to the side. "Fine but I'm not talking to you" and I get in the car.

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