Chapter 10

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Authors note: hi guys I'm so sorry for the wait I was sick and busy with my test week and moving. Thank you for the patience xx enjoy ;)

He handed my phone to me and I answered it. "Hello am I speaking to Mrs Conte?" The lady on the phone questioned me. "Yes this you are speaking to her" I trembled. I shoot a glance at Gray who is scanning my movements with a serious look on his face. "I have some information for you about your father? I assume?" The lady is very kind and careful with her words. Maybe something happened?.. "yes he is, what's wrong?" I muttered. "Your father is alright but his heart isn't so strong at the moment so he will be staying at the hospital for some more nights. You don't have anything to worry about dear." She reported. I let out a relieved sigh. He's alright and will be home soon. "That's great to hear! But may I ask you a question?.." i asked. "Ofcourse darling how can I help you?" She spoke. "Is my mother alright she said she would call me when she got news.". "Oh well she's had a panic attack but she's fine and will be home soon probably and I'll tell her she asked about her okay?" She stated. "Yes thank you very much ma'am." I say feeling relieved nothing bad happened. "Bye darling." She said and then hung up.

I turn around to face Gray who already is staring at me. "And?..." he questioned still staring. "He is alright. Thank god" I say a smile planted on my face. "Your dad?" He questioned. "Yes my father" I told him still smiling. "That's great to hear love" he walks up and throws his arms around me. And I melt by his touch. I took a step back and smiled at him. And then Mattheo walks in. "Adreanna Antonia Conte I've been looking for you fucking everywhere!" He belted. Then he sees Gray standing next to the door. "You?" He looks furious to see me with him. "Yes me what's wrong with that? You jealous?" He taunted. "You're just talking to Andreanna to make me mad you fucker" Mattheo snapped. "What.." I mumbled. So I kissed him? And he just kissed me because he wants Mattheo to be.. jealous? Oh my god how could I be so fucking stupid to walk right into his stupid trap. "I should go" I mumbled gathering my stuff. "Andreanna.. please.." he muttered. "This was a mistake" I told him and i proceeded to walk out of the classroom. I can't believe it. I was so stupid to show him any weakness.

I walked into Jade on my way to my locker. "Hey babe, how was your day?" She questions me carefully. "It was shit but I'm happy that I can go home now, I'm kinda tired". "I'll take you home then so you can rest after all this.. you know" she smiled softly.

In the car it's just silent and when we finally arrive at my house she says "I'll see you tomorrow" and then she drove away. No one is home. Not even my mom. She's so worried about my dad. I mean that lady on the phone said he was alright so why can't she just come home. I unlock the door and take off my shoes. "Lotus?" I called for my cat. There she came around the corner waddling on her little paws to me. "Hi baby" I mumble while picking her up. My dad gave Lotus to me when I was a little kid two weeks after my grandma passed away. He saw me struggling with living without her and decided to give me a cat which is really nice. And since he did that I named her after my dads favourite flower. I made myself dinner and gave her some of my leftovers. I had no homework so I went straight to bed because I'm so tired. I rolled over a couple times. My bed feels so uncomfortable. Then I slowly drift away.

There's a knock on my window and I open my eyes. My sight is still blurry but I can see a tall guy climbing into my room. Then I see who it is. Gray?  "What the fuck are you doing here?" I question him. "You just ran away for me" he says. "Yeah with a pretty good reason." I hissed. "I'm not using you to make Mattheo jealous I just want to be with you for you" he explained. "What do you mean?" I ask very confused by what he just said. "I like you Adreanna" he remarked as he started taking steps forward. I'm shocked. Then he sits on my bed and leans closer to me tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I- Gray- I don't know what to say". "Then say nothing love" he says as he planted his lips onto mine and I melt into it. He puts his hands on my neck sending a shiver down my spine. He slides his tongue into my mouth as he gets the change to. He pins me to my bed and kisses me roughly. A small moan escapes my lips as he puts one hand under my shirt. "Are you sure" he queried. "Mhm" I mumble. And he takes off my shirt now looking at my chest. I sit up and put my hands on his hard abs and take off his shirt too. "Take off your bra" he demands. "I want to see your boobs when I fuck you." And I do what he says. He stares at my bare chest and then leans down and starts sucking on one of my nipples while fidgeting with the other. Another soft moan escapes my mouth by the feeling of his tongue swirling around my nipple.

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