14. He's awake

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Finally the day came. Thomas had been in a coma for about three and a half months now and he finally woke up. It happened around eight in the morning, the perfect time for breakfast. I was asleep next to his bed with James on my lap. Him refusing to go home without me again. I felt a hand graze past mine and I instantly opened my eyes to a sight I had so sorely missed.

Thomas was staring right at me with his hand on mine. I jumped forward with James still clinging to me and hugged Thomas, as tears streamed down my face and onto the sheets. After a few minutes I pulled back slightly and smiled at him. Then I remembered I should probably inform the staff about Thomas waking up so I let go of him and walked to the door, to inform a nurse.

For a second Thomas seemed confused as to why I just got up and left but then sighed relieved when he saw me come back with a nurse and the doctor. They checked him over, all the usual things then asked him how he was doing and I wasn't surprised when the first thing he said was that he was hungry and in need of some 'bloody' food. In the meantime I called Ava and Dylan, to inform them that Thomas had woken up.

I still had James sleeping in my arms as I walked back into the room. Honestly I wasn't surprised, James was a heavy sleeper just like his father. As I walked back in, I found a very exhausted looking Thomas, even though he had slept for three and a half months straight. Munching on some of the hospital food, that probably sucked. He looked up and smiled at me "how are you feeling?" I asked him, sitting on the little chair by his bed. "Bloody tired" I hummed in understanding.

I looked back up at Thomas and was instantly lost in his chocolate brown eyes. I shook myself out of my daze and saw him still staring at me "what?" I chuckled. "You look absolutely gorgeous love" he breathed out. I looked down at myself, seeing baggy clothes that were super old, a drooling James still asleep on my lap and most likely super frizzy and tangled hair.

I looked back up at Thomas raising my eyebrows "really?" I asked not believing him one bit. He just chuckled and nodded. "When don't you look gorgeous?" "Always" I commented. "Lies" Thomas stated. I just shook my head and laughed.

"I missed you, so much" my voice quivered, tears forming in my eyes and running down my face. "I missed you too love" he said wiping my tears away with his thumb. "Don't cry" he whispered "I'm here now and I'm alright" he pushed back the hair out of my face to see me better. "And I'm never going anywhere again."

"Promise?" I sniffled like a child "I promise love" he chuckled. "How long was I out for?" I hesitated at first but then decided to tell him. "Three and a half months" his eyes almost bulged out of his head "that long?!" He asked in shock. I just nodded my head. "Wow" he murmured under his breath, clearly blown away by the fact he was asleep for so long.

"Oh I almost forgot" I started digging in my bag looking for the letter and snapping him out of his thoughts. "Victoria asked me to give this to you" I handed him the hand written letter from her. "Are you two finally getting along now?" He asked sounding hopeful. "No, well yes, actually I can't really say" I tried explaining.

"Why not?" Thomas wondered, confused. "Because Victoria is no longer here. She left to move back to Australia and before she left she called me, said she wanted to talk. So we met at a cafe, talked and she gave me this letter for you." "Hmm" He looked at it like if he opened it, it would explode in his face. "I'll open it later, right now all I want to do is spend time with my family" I smiled at the word. 'Family' that's all I ever wanted.

Just then James woke up "morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?" I asked cheerfully. James looked up at me and smiled then laid his head back down and nuzzled his nose into my shirt "mhm" he mumbled, still sleepy. "Well look who else is awake" I turned James to face Thomas and instantly the boys face lit up.

He jumped over to Thomas holding him in a death like grip. "You're awake daddy, you're finally awake" James cheered, no sign of the sleepiness left. Thomas' face lit up and he smiled the biggest smile I have ever saw him make at the fact James had excepted him as his father so quickly. Thomas then wrapped his arms around the small boy as well, holding him tightly and kissing his head.

Thomas looked over at me with tears in his eyes, but they weren't sad tears, no they were happy tears, happy that he finally got the family he always wanted with the woman he loved so dearly.

Then Ava burst in with Dylan. "You're awake, thank the lord. Oh Thomas I was so worried about you" she said running over and hugging him as well. Once she let go of him James snuggled into the sheets beside Thomas and instantly fell asleep again. Then Dylan came over and him and Thomas did that really awkward guy hug thing which Ava and I laughed at.


Later the doctor came back and told us Thomas still had to stay at the hospital for a week so they could monitor everything and make sure he wouldn't fall back into a coma.

That night we all stayed in Thomas' room and chatted for hours until we were told to leave and come back tomorrow since it was apparently time for the patients to sleep but I think it was because we were a little to loud.

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