Chapter 4

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The ground was literally shaking as I slipped between the mass of sweaty people either dancing, grinding or making out. I have successfully elbowed two people on their face. But there really is this thing called karma because not so soon later, someone crashed into me and spilled her beer over my shirt.

Great, I thought sarcastically.

Why were there so many people?

When I finally got in the kitchen, I took a glass and filled it with tap water. I wouldn't risk getting myself a spiked drink. I sat on a stool by the kitchen counter as I formulated a plan to survive the night. The kitchen was pretty much peaceful seeing that the drinks were outside.

First, I have to find Audrey and ask her if she has a spare top.

With a plan set in my mind, I place the glass on the sink and my way out to the party. They look more like a pack of drunk hyenas to me. Lifting my glasses up the bridge of my nose, I stood on my tippy toes in search of a loud blonde.

If only Kacey was here.

The thing is, Kacey didn't like parties. She says that she has far more important things to do than attend a stupid party filled with hormonal teenagers who wants nothing but to get laid and grab a couple of free drinks. Her words, not mine.

When I spotted the girl I was looking for, I grinned to myself and made my way over to her. When I was about five steps away from her, a small girl bumped into me. I staggered a bit but the girl completely face planted on the floor. I offered my hand to help her, expecting her to be quite embarrassed with the show she put on. But when she helped herself up with a grin on her face, I was surprised. Why?

Number one, because after that totally embarrassing moment, she still had the courage to help herself and but on a brave smile. I would've rather die rather than deal with the stares and snickers of the other people like what they are giving her now. But she effectively ignored them.

And number two, because she is Catriona Jacobs. Sophomore year, the little sister of the quarterback of the football team, Christopher Jacobs. He was in one of my classes. Her brother was popular around here and people knew that if you mess with his sister, they'll have to deal with him. This gets a lot of people in trouble because Catriona is someone you really want to mess with.

Her blonde was tied up in a very messy bun, her thick-rimmed glasses framing her bright green eyes hanging on the edge of her nose, and her rainbow braces were absolutely eye-catching. To top it off, she was kind of chubby which made her actually cute. Cat and Chris are loaded so I had no idea what they were doing in a public school.

And she was very much in love with her brother's best friend, Alexander Ames. It was obvious, really. She followed him everywhere. Well, tries to because Alex seems to always escape her. There were rumors that her hair is naturally black but she dyed it blonde to look be the type of women Alex dates. Tall and skinny, blue-eyed blondes. I really don't know how she deals with the amount of women he hooks up with. It must be heartbreaking, but she always looked so jolly still.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming. I'm really sorry."

She let out a small chuckle, "That's okay. I was the one not looking where I was going. So, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry." She sighed wistfully and I followed her longing gaze and found out that she staring at Alex making out with another blonde.

"You should let go of him, you know. You just might end up getting hurt."

Instead of getting mad at me for practically discouraging her, she smiled sadly and instead said, "I know. But I think I really love him, you know. He might not just know it yet because I'm fat and ugly," which she really was not, in my opinion, "but one day, he will realize that he loves me too." She sighed dreamily and stalked to where he was.

I shook my head and looked for Audrey again. Thankfully, she was still seated on the sofa with her friends. She was quiet compared to her friends because she preferred to keep it to herself.

I tapped her shoulder, "Auds, I have a problem."

She nodded her head and left her seat. She didn't even say goodbye to her friends.

"Finally, you decided to save me from Cheska's nonstop blabbering about her nails. And those other airheads were actually interested with what she was saying."

I just laughed but my laugh was cut short.

"You reek of alcohol," she announced while sniffing me. With an over dramatic gasp, she said, "Did you drink any drink from the table? Haven't I warned you enough last night to never drink anything there! They spike all the drinks!"

I sighed in defeated. She makes up conclusions too quickly.

"Relax, Audrey. Someone spilled their drink on me. I had tap water to drink, instead."

"That's good." She nodded her head understandingly then suddenly froze. She was staring at something behind me. I turned around and found out she was staring at Nick Martin. He's part of the soccer team and is Reed's best friend.

"That egotistical jerk. I'll show him what happens to people who mess with me," Audrey whisper to herself.

She was about to march over to where he was when I grabbed her arm, "Whoa, calm down. What happened?"

She was seething but still managed to answer, "Well, it was during gym class when that jerk made me a live target during dodge ball. I had bruises after that, I swear! I don't even know what I did to him."

"Well maybe he wants your attention?"

She gave a blank stare, "by pummeling me to death with dodge balls."

I shrugged. It could be possible.

She rolled her eyes, "Well anyway, I had to get back at him so while they were taking a shower, I snuck in the men's changing rooms, took his clothes and hung his underwear on the flagpole.  Ha! Serves him right. And of course, I thought it was only fair in exchange with the beating he gave me but no. So that's when our prank war began."

By the time she was finished she already marched up to him saying something about itchy underwear and they were bickering in no time. Well, there goes my extra t-shirt. I turned to start looking for Reed so that we could start on the project when my nose crashed into someone. I looked up and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and realized I don't have to go looking for Reed Stanford anymore.

Because he was right in front of me.

And he didn't look too happy.


A/N: Chapter 4!!! Yay! I finally updated! Now, I gotta admit that the last chapter was really crappy and that was not my best work. I'll fix that soon when I start editing. This is my make up chapter to make up for the others

Introduced two new characters! Cat and Nick! Cat's not really important here but she does have a spinoff. An well Nick... Let's see

Check out How To Handle A Bitch (previously Oh, Catriona) on my profile to see what happens in Cat's life in the future ;)

Oh, and I have a new story Once Upon A Snowball (previously Frost). It's a werewolf story :)))

A picture of how Nick looks like (played by Sean O'Pry, hottie, I know) ^^

And of course, check out my best friend's stories as well @mystiquemoon(Melting Point is amazing, I'm telling you)

Hearts and flowers,

kcallista xx

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