20 things Kate loves about Yelena

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1~All the Russian nicknames she uses

2~Her obsessing over Kate when Kate's sick but dismissive of any time she feel's slightly unwell

3~Their secret signal for 'I love you' (flicking their nose twice)

4~When she catches Yelena staring at her for no reason

5~How every year on her birthday Lena buys her another fork to add to their collection

6~How when she's mad Yelena calls her 'Bishop'

7~How she makes sure the first person she texts before and after any possible fight is Kate so Kate knows she's ok

8~All the days they just spend cuddling

9~When Yelena ocasionally shares a childhood memory with her

10~The days that Yelena let's Kate play video games with her

11~Her bond with Lucky

12~How she makes sure to kiss all of Kate's new scars to 'help them heal with love'

13~Yelena doing daily checks on Kate's scars until they heal.

14~When Lena laughs at the fact that Kate can get as scary as her when she's on her cycle

15~How she put knife covers with little notes on them on the knifes when Kate was going through a s3lf harm phase

16~How she (rarely) catches Yelena writing baby names and wedding vows

17~How she always anticipates her every move but gets so annoyed when Kate tries (And fails)

18~How since moving in with Kate she only sleeps in one position, arms around Kate's waist and holding her close.

19~How she dosen't care what they are doing as long as they're together

20~Everything, But especially her eyes, Her gorgeous, gorgeous eyes

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