chapter 13 badly wounded not really kidnapped

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As soon as we got Freya her guns to lieberman's place me and my kids left the building without them noticing

As soon as we left I started taking off my Anti Hero uniform in change back into my regular clothes and put my anti-hero uniform in the pocket dimension and so did Jr and Lisa put their mask helmet and weapons in the pocket dimension

I've been started taking my kids back to the hotel so they can relax after the day we had as soon as we were walking back to the hotel I saw saw Trihexa and kaben greeting us I introduce them to my kids and by the look on their face they already starting to like them I told them to take them back inside as I was going to go get them something to eat I went to the parking lot went to my car unlock it got inside and drove off

As I was searching for a place to get us some food as I found a Jack in the Box I went through the drive-thru ordered my food I drove up waited for the food to be done they came back with the food ready and I paid them handsomely with a good big tip they thanked me she gave me the food and then I drove off

After I was driving back back to the hotel put my car back in the parking lot

As soon as I got inside I was gunned down I'd laid there even though I didn't feel anything I had to make it look real I pretended I was barely conscience I see the man pull up to me hit me in the butt of the gun and knocks me out

( Francine pov)
After I was done putting the guns on the wall I hear Lieberman calling me

Francine: what is it Lieberman

Lieberman: I just checked your husband he was driving get some food for him and his friends and to buy in my surprise I saw your kids there alive like the meta said as soon as he got back with the food he was gunned down he's barely alive he was kidnapped by some armed men

I was Furious I finally got my husband back just to find out that he got shot and he's got kidnapped I'm going to find him and I'm going to kill every single one of those people for hurting my husband

I grabbed my gun put on a vest

We have been told me where my husband was being kept at

I took the van and drove off

5 minutes later

I finally made it to a warehouse where my husband was being kept at I saw a lot of armed men in the front probably a lot inside but I was not going to let my husband die again

I got out of the van got my weapon and when inside guns blazing

I started killing every men who hurt Ellis I killed every single one of them as I finally made it inside I started killing everyone inside the warehouse and left one alive I needed answers where they're keeping Ellis

Francine: tell me where are you keeping the man named Ellis Mercer at

Thug: I ain't telling you shit

I started beating him to get information out of him as I continued hurting him he finally gave in

Thug: okay stop enough go down the hall take a right and go straight and find a black metal door that's all I know I swear

After he gave me what I needed to know I shot him in the head I then started going in the direction where she told me to go

As I continue following the direction where he told me to go I found the black door as I hear him screaming being beaten and getting shot I burst door open and started killing everyone in the room that hurt my husband as soon as everyone was dead I turned to look at him he was in very bad shape being shot in the stomach right shoulder being stabbed in the leg and shot in the other leg he was breathing heavily I rushed over to him holding on too tightly crying

Ellis mercer: I'm not going to make it am I stranger

Francine: I know you're going to make it please just hold on I can't lose you again

Ellis mercer: who are you really how do you know my name

Francine: my name is Francine Castle Mercer im your wife

I pulled out a photo of me Ellis our son and daughter and showed it to him

Francine: see this is a picture of us the our family do you remember Ellis

(Ellis pov)

Now since you showed me the photo I'm going to have to pretend that I do remember her

Ellis mercer: I think I remember Ellis Junior Lisa I think I'm starting to remember

She was crying and even more tears that I'm starting to remember her even though I already do remember her but I can't let her think that

Ellis mercer: am I going to die

Francine: no I won't let you die not again please stay with me I'm going to get you out of here please just hang on

She started Carrying me out of the building and put me in her van and drove off to the hospital even though I'm not hurt were badly wounded but I have to let her think that as she continued driving she didn't drop the off to the hospital doctors saw how badly hurt I was they put me on the stretcher and took me inside as I see Francine falling behind the doctor and then as I pretend to passed out

9 hours later

I woke up from my nap as I see I was hooked up to machines I turned to my left and see Francine holding my hand on the bed and is asleep

Ellis mercer: honey it's time to wake up

She started waking up and saw me awake she was crying tears of happiness

I then hug her tell her everything's going to be okay that I'm alright now and that I'm not going anywhere this time

Ellis Mercer: honey I want to tell you something something in private that I want to show you

I used my power to stop time and make sure she wasn't affected to the time stopping

She was shocked I'm what was going on I got off the bed removed the equipment that was attached to me from the look on her face she was shocked that I was okay and that I wasn't in any pain I use my powers to get my clothes back as well as my boots with everything back in my position I got out of the hospital gown and started putting back my clothes on cleaning the blood as well as fixing it the holes that stab wounds stomach shoulder right leg and bullet wound to the leg all fixed

I use my powers to show her my memories on everything I went through all the torture all the pain and suffering being betrayed sentenced to prison for a crime I never committed framed abused and neglected how I was rejected on she was shocked that her husband went through so much pain and suffering

Ellis mercer: I know what you're thinking and no it's not your fault it wasn't your fault on what I went through so don't blame yourself promise me promise me you won't blame yourself for what happened to me or our kids okay Francine

Francine: okay I wont I'm just glad that I have you back in my arms again Ellis

Ellis mercer: you're welcome honey come on it's time we leave

We got out the room went to the desk told them I'm perfectly good and healthy now sign the papers and left I was walking back to the hotel but I turned around to say Freya is still following me I can't really blame her she just got me back as well as our kids she doesn't want to go through that again I let her follow me and I was willing to help her with Rawlins and soon-to-be threat Billy Russo

As I made it back to my friends and my kids we got our stuff from the hotel went to the parking lot put our stuff in the back of the car as I see Fred getting in the car as well and then we drove off back lieberman's hideout no I am going to be helping her with her problem very soon

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