Chapter 2 - The Sword { ~ Davin ~ }

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Carefully, he pulled his sword from its hiding place. Entangled in the thatched roof of the sheep shed, it was only visible if you knew exactly where to look. His mother would probably run him through with it personally if she knew he had it, but as long as she didn't find out, he could keep practising. It wasn't shiny at all - not yet, but he was working on it. It also wasn't nearly as sharp as he wanted it to be, but Callan Kensie had promised to help him with that. It had cost him two of his best shirts - so he only had good left and a few with holes in them - and all the cobbers he had earned helping at the mill last summer. He thought it worth it, as long as his mother didn't notice he was wearing the same shirt far too often.

"Davin, will you please feed the goats?" His mother called from the house. They had come home late last night, and only this morning, a rider came with the notice that Hanibal Laclan Castor was now declared an outlaw of the mountains. He never faced his trial in Baur Laclan, but had managed to escape his chain with the knife he had won at cards. In the dead of night, he had disappeared and no one had seen him since. He was now to be killed on sight if he was ever found. A life he deserved if you asked Davin. Rolling his eyes, he just turned around and headed towards the fence. How come he had to feed the goats? Dina could do it, even Melli could and she was only 5. Davin was 17 and had far better things to do than to feed scraps to whatever animals his mother wanted. So he leaped over the fence, with one hand holding it for balance and paced towards the thicket pretending he hadn't heard. He knew she wouldn't buy it. When ones mother can make murderers and slavetraders confess with a single look, it was hard to convince her of such a fib, but never-the-less he never stopped trying. He started running, just to make sure, she couldn't call him back if she happened to look out the window.

"There you are, kid! We almost thought you wouldn't make it." Callan said as soon Davin came through the trees. Him, Kinny and Splodey were all waiting for him at the edge of the forest.

"We thought Mommy caught ya!" Kinny laughed and looked to the others for additional laughter. He got a few grins but luckily nothing more. Kinny was always so busy teasing and laughing, but Davin had noticed that he always very politely bowed his head and addressed her 'Medama Tonerre' like everyone else when she was actually around. Only Davin had to listen to his endless mockings and jokes. Kinny's father was a merchant and paid Callan to train with him, much different than Davin, whose mother wasn't even allowed to know. Splodey was a much closer friend to Davin. From the first days his family were in the High Lands, the two of them had been hanging out. Of course Splodey wasn't his real name - his actual name was Allin, but no one ever called him that anymore, not even his parents. He had had a habit of blowing things up whenever he got the chance since he was a child. He could make explosives out of practically anything and once he discovered that, people's sheds and outhouses started reducing to sticks and splinters. But even to Splodey, Davin felt he would always be the newcomer from the Low Lands. Everyone was nice and polite in the mountains, but they were very loyal to their own and grew up with never trusting outsiders. Even if Davin should one day marry and have children, this generation should still be thought as different from the mountain children of the same age. If Melli were lucky she would be more easily approved because she was still so young. She still had time to grow up with their customs. At least this was what Davin thought. He felt like he was always a stranger. Sometimes he just wished he could go home to Birches, where he used to have friends that he knew had his back. They respected him and followed him if he asked them to. But they couldn't possibly go back. Their house looked worse than one of the outhouses Splodey got his fingers in. And Drakan was searching every low land village for his mother and sister. And for Nico whom Davin still blamed all this mess on. Callan always found a new spot for them to train in. He said a true fighter needs to be able to adapt and to take ground anywhere anytime. This time he led them a little deeper into the forest to a small gorge that once had a brook going through it. It was filled with round and slippery rocks, so it was quite hard for once feet to get a good grip. If you fell, you would get some good bruises - but if you were too busy watching your step you'd get bruised too, because Callan didn't hold back. Kinni usually complained when Callan hit him, but he always snorted and laughed at him.

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