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A thousand thoughts are running through my mind as we ride to the New Moon pack house. We arrive to the front gate, and the guards give Ethan and I a nod before letting us through.

We arrive to the front of the pack house shortly after, it's a mansion almost castle like house with large white pillars in the front. A circle driveway, with a little drive going off toward more housing. White shudders and vines growing randomly on the sides of the pack house before us.

Alpha Adonis comes down the steps, Marcos a few steps behind his father, with his arms open wide, smile on his face.

"Alpha Mason," We embrace in a hug. "So good to see you son."

"Hello, Alpha Adonis." I bowed slightly. My Beta bows with me.

"Alpha Adonis." Ethan addressed with a nod.

"Beta Ethan, very well to see you too boy. You boys sure have grown into some fine young men." Alpha Adonis spoke. "But please, let us drop the formalities. We're all close to family here."

We quickly exchanged greetings with Marcos, before heading up the stairs into the house. Marcos held expressions blank as he takes in our appearances. It has been quite some time since we've last seen each other. He is no longer a scrawny tall boy, but a muscular man who somehow got even taller.

We run into Luna Irene as soon as the front door is open, "-now run those along dear, and align them up evenly please!" she smiles. The planner nods and bows before running off in the opposite direction. "Hello boys." She nods with a smile, and then gives a scolding look to the Alpha. "You didn't give me any time to prepare for their arrival Joseph, their rooms are not ready."

Luna Irene turns to us quickly once more. "I'm so sorry boys, I will try to prepare your rooms as quickly as possible. Mason, it's so good to see you." She bows quickly before walking away, I'm sure she has lots to deal with at the moment. Hosting an event, that will hold many many pack members.

Alpha Adonis then turns towards us,

"So what brings you over this way so early son? The party isn't for another couple of hours, we just started to set up all the preparations. Irene took a little longer in town than expected." Well, that explains Luna's behavior.

"Oh, I just figured Ethan and I would come by and offer our services to help prepare, before the rest of the packs get here; but now Joseph, I need to speak with you on an urgent matter." I responded.

"We'll take this discussion elsewhere." He leads Ethan and I to his office, Marcos running off to help his mother. Probably an excuse to get out of everything and off to do what he wants to do.

"What is going on, does it have anything to do with the South Woods Pack? I heard they were starting to become paranoid-" He starts to ramble, but I cut him off.

"No sir, it is a matter of my mate. Well, I think she's my mate. I'm not entirely sure.." I look outside the window before looking back at him. "And...I believe she may be human." I add while scratching the back of my neck.

Alpha Adonis gasped, eyes going slightly wide. "Impossible Mason."

"It's true sir," Ethan spoke up, "I was with him when he saw her. His wolf kept coming forward, in his eyes, and the way he looked at-"

Joseph cuts him off, "Where did you see this woman?"

"The Sweet Side Café A-" I start, but he cuts me off once more.

"Mason." The look in his eyes, something I haven't ever seen before. "My daughter works there... She may- I mean, it's the only possible explanation I can think of. Irene happens to own that very shop in our town, and Pandia was there with her today." He deadpans.

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