Chapter 3

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 About two weeks have passed since the three of you have mated and by some skill and lots of pure luck you've all been able to keep anyone from finding out. Well, accept Yelena but she was definitely an exception. Natasha was dying to let Clint know, but she was afraid her best friends excitement would have that information quickly finding its way into the ear of every Avenger.

The three of you are in the training room currently, Nat had brought you both here to train you in some more combat techniques. You both knew a few things, but she wanted to make sure her mates were both well prepared, she didn't want to risk either of you getting hurt.

She demonstrates each move before having you try it out on each other. The current move Wanda is to replicate on you is a basic Armeyskiy Rukopashniy Boy(army hand to hand combat) move that Nat had learned from Spetsnaz, the Russian Special forces. All she had to do was disarm you of the rubber training knife without being 'stabbed'.

You lunged at the other Omega, swinging the fake blade at her. She shifted into her defensive stance, her arms and hands ready. Or at least she thought they were ready but halfway through she forgets what her next move is, her hands fumble and the two of you end up colliding. You both fall to the floor below, the training mats softening your landing as Wanda ends up landing on top of you.

She quickly tries to move, worried you might be hurt but your hands grab her waist keeping her close as you erupt in laughter. After a few seconds you can hear her laugh join yours, both of you finding the situation far more hilarious than you should have.

Your Alpha chuckles as she watches the two of you. Normally she might repremaind you both for not taking training seriously but she knows she's had you in here for hours and that you'd both been trying your best and had even learned several new moves already, so she lets you all simply be in the moment.

Once your laughter dies down Wanda lifts her head to look at you, your eyes meet hers and upon seeing the sparkle of happiness in your eyes she can't help but forget where you are as she leans down and kisses you. The joy of this moment is incredibly brief, however because Steve had walked in just in time to see Wandas lips meet yours.

"Wanda! Get off of Y/n right now!" he shouts as he walks closer to you both

The Omega, startled by the other Alphas presence immediately does as she's told, her eyes gluing themselves to the floor as she prepares to be reprimanded or punished. Your face contorts in concern until you remember Nat is with you, you know she'll shut Steve up. Before he can get any closer Natasha is in front of him, a deep growl coming from her and he finds himself slightly startled as he had been so focused on the two of you he hadn't noticed the other Alphas presence.

"Nat, what are you-" he begins to say before getting cut off

"Back off Rogers." she growls out, causing confusion to show itself on Steves face

He shakes his head, "They're both Omegas, behavior like that isn't befitting of two Avengers. They have to put a stop to whatever this is, now. And you know that."

He goes to move around her but her hand pushes firmly into his chest, stopping him in his tracks. "You won't be going near them.'' Her tone leaves little room for argument, but Steve isn't known for backing down. He studies her a moment before he glances over her shoulder at you and Wanda, the two of you stand there obviously nervous under his gaze. She sees this and gets even angrier, "Keep your eyes off my Omegas." she says, shoving his chest.

"Your Omegas?" he questions as his eyebrows shoot up, nearing his hairline. He tries not to let jealousy overtake him, he'd been interested in you for a few months now.

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