old home

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old home

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old home

AS I STEPPED into the kitchen, I smiled at Harper who was sitting at the island. " Hey babygirl, sleep well? " Harper nodded not taking her eyes off her phone. She chuckled lightly as I poured myself a cup of coffee. " I'm surprised you're not nagging me about how I'm seeing Hotch again. " As his name came out of my mouth, her eyes met mine. " Wait, today's BAU day? " I nodded once before giving her a cup of coffee. " I bet you he's going to tell you he missed you. " I sipped my coffee as I slowly shook my head. " No, he won't. We'll be arguing the moment we see each other. You know how much I hate him. " Her smile was painted so thickly that it never came off her face. " Then why did you accept your transfer? "

I sighed and breathed out. " Because I used my maiden name. He only ever knew me as Hart never as King. " She began to have a laughing fit. " He is going to flip when he finds out it's you. " I nodded a few times as I finished my coffee. My watch revealed that it was time I left. " Well, it's time I get going. Have a wonderful day sweetheart. I'll let you know if we get a case and leave okay? Love you! " As I went for the door I stopped and gave her a kiss on the head.

I took the subway. Much like Reid usually does, I suppose I left before him because I never saw him on my way over. I took a deep breath as I faced the building ready to face my friends and my least favourite person ever. The elevator doors closed in front of me as the elevator began to lift me up to the top floor. I didn't get a chance to catch my breath when the elevator opened. " Lucy! " Penelope shouted as her heels ticked on the floor as she ran toward me. " I missed you! " Her arms were wrapped around me in a second as Morgan came into view. " Morgan! " I shouted. If I'm honest Morgan was my best friend from the BAU.

Penelope dropped her arms as I walked towards Morgan letting my arms wrap him into a motherly hug. " How's Harper? " He asked as we slowly unravelled our hug. " She's doing good. She's an honour student; I'm very proud of her. " He nodded as I saw JJ. " Holy shit! JJ! Congrats! " Her stomach was huge and she looked like she was gonna pop. " Thank you! We'll have to have a mom's night sometime " I nodded softly. " Oh definitely! " He came into my view and it was as if everything stopped. " Agent Hart? What are you doing here? " As he spoke everyone quickly left the room as if they were scared. " It's King now. You're the one that accepted the transfer. You know this is where I belong. It's my home. If you try to transfer me I will bring hellfire down on you understand? " He straightened his posture and crossed his arms over his chest. " You were always great on our team but I most certainly not thrilled with you being here. " He turned away with a huff as JJ spoke up. " We have a case! "

Just as before we gathered in the boardroom. " Three kids have been kidnapped and murdered. All different ages. All survive about a week. We don't know why and we have no suspects. They have taken another set of children. Yes. I said they. It's believed a couple has done this. " I looked at the file, looking at these poor children. Mainly the one that was the same age as Harper. This case was not going to sit well with me. " Do we know of any motive? How were they murdered? " JJ straightened her back clearly unsettled. " It seems they end up getting in a car crash and drowning in a local river. We do have three missing children that were taken yesterday, all the same age as the other victims. "

Hotch stood up and looked at everyone with the file in his arms. " Wheels up in 30. " As I stood up he took my arm and held me in place. " You do anything stupid and I will not hesitate to transfer you. " I yanked my arm away from him as rage filled my eyes. " I told you I'd bring hellfire down on you if you did that! " Morgan chuckled as he saw the tension between. " Call down, children. We have a long flight to Florida. So, why don't you cut the horseshit and admit you have sexual feelings for one another. " " Woah, morgan! You are way off as my friend, I thought you'd have my fucking back. You are way off. Okay? I hate Hotch. "

" Just admit it, Lucy, you would love to know what he's like in the sack. " I pushed past Morgan and grabbed my go-bag. " You know I already know what he's like. " I whispered to Morgan. " Derek, you tell me what she just said this instant." Morgan chuckled and crossed his arms. " Not in a million years. " Morgan stopped by his desk and grabbed his go-bad as well. As I got onto the jet I sat down next to JJ. " I really didn't think that Morgan would joke that far. Are you okay? " I nodded and laid my head back on the seat.

" Yeah, I guess that was one thing I didn't miss." I chuckled lightly. " Amen, sister. " The plane ride was so long I ended up falling asleep. I guess you can say I am getting old. As we stepped off the plane, I got a sense of deja vu. This case was what I missed. Kicking ass and saving a city. Yet, I was unaware of what this city would bring me. Who this city would make me closer to. Someone I really hoped I wouldn't get close to until I couldn't stand to be miles apart.

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