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THE SOUND of Aaron's heartbeat rumbled in my ear. My eyes opened slowly as I woke up. He was fast asleep and I tried my best not to wake him as I got out of bed. I made my way into the bathroom to take a shower. The hot water felt nice as I tried to ease the nausea I had from my hangover. My head whipped around as he came into the bathroom. " Hotch! Can you wait 5 minutes, please? " He groaned and closed the door to the bathroom. " It's not like I haven't seen you naked before! " I turned the water off with a groan. " Doesn't mean you can just walk in while I'm taking a shower! " I  wrapped my towel around me and got out of the bathroom.

" All yours! " He pushed past me as I grabbed a pantsuit to put on. " Hotch, we need to talk about how you used the names of our actual kids when you spoke to the unsubs. " As he came out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice he was shirtless. " I don't know, maybe because if I had said any other names they might have noticed I was lying? " I put my blazer over my dress shirt as I turned my back to him. " They could go looking for them! You do understand that you put both Harper and Jack in danger? " He let out I sigh as he searched for his words. " You do realize I wasn't thinking about that at the moment. I know that our kids are our pride and joy, I would never want to put Jack or Harper in danger. "

I pushed past him as I walked out of the hotel room before I lost my cool even more. He followed me down the hall almost waking the whole floor. " Lucy, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to put anyone in danger where are you going? " He turned me around as he pulled my arm. My lips were inches from his. I took a step back getting about six feet from him. " Do you know why Liam and I got divorced? The only person who might know why is Morgan. I never told him but you know how smart he is. "

Hotch crossed his arms as he locked eyes with me. " I thought that maybe you guys got split up because of the same reason Haley and I did. " I tried to stop the tears from falling as I said the truth. I failed. They came crashing down like waterfalls. " Harper isn't Liam's daughter. She's, She's " I couldn't manage to tell him. Yet, he seemed to put the pieces together in his mind. " We got drunk 16 years ago. " He simply said.

" Hotch, Harper is your daughter. " Hotch closed the distance between us and placed his warm hands on my cheeks. He wiped a few of my tears as he looked into my eyes. " May I? " He asked. I couldn't move but I think he knew my answer. He put his lips to mine. Our first real kiss in 16 years. It felt almost magical. I thought he might freak out when he found out but this was a way better reaction.

I let the kiss fade. He rested his forehead to mine. " Hotch, I'm going to go. " The words fell out of my mouth like a deadweight. Within an hour, I was in Morgan's room. I let everything fall out and like always he comforted me. " So, you just left Hotch after he kissed you? " I nodded as I was unable to say more. " Lucy, I think that this is definitely strange for the both of you but I think Hotch really cares about you. He may not act like it sometimes but when you left, he was a mess. He actually lost sleep because of it. I may have had to profile him to figure that out but I needed to. My boss was in pain. Lucy, you know Hotch is terrible with his feelings. That kiss meant something. " I sighed as I combed my fingers through my hair. " I just " The ringing of Morgan's phone cut me off. " It's JJ, " He said as he answered it. " We have a hint? Okay! Lucy and I are on our way. "

Hotch kept his eye on me as we got ready to go try and find the unsubs. I drove with Morgan as I was unable to face Hotch after our moment. The house looked dark when Morgan and I arrived. " I'll go around back. " Morgan said before leaving me. I held my gun in front of me as I kicked the door down. The first few rooms were empty. I was able to clear the first two floors with no problem. Morgan came in and check again while I went down to the basement. I wasn't thinking of him at first. It was dark as the lights weren't on. I flipped the switch but there was no luck. In a second I was taken by shock as some took me. I was unable to speak with the gun to my head. I was only able to speak when I heard him. " Hotch! " I yelled.

The man grabbed me by the throw cautioning me. Yet, I was scared I heard him run down the stairs just as things started to go black. " I got him, you get her. " Morgan called out. As I fell to the ground I felt his arms wrap around my body. " Lu, I'm here, I'm here " Hotch broke out in a sob as he brought me to his chest. I wiped away his tears with my thumb and smiled before I leaned in and kissed the man I always loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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