The best thing

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"Just be nice to him, okay?"

"No, I'm going to jump on him and tackle him to the ground, and make him swear to me he's never going to look at our daughter again."

Lindsey can be such a smartass sometimes... "This is important to Vanessa, Linds. She's never brought a boy home before."


"Will you stop it?"


"Lindsey, I'm serious." 

"Are you mad at me right now?"

"Well, I'm not happy with you right now."

He sighs, getting up off the couch and he comes to me with arms opened. "Forgive me."

"You're just going to make it all so awkward if you keep up like this. Trust me, Vanessa is worried as it is, I've been in her place. You're the most wonderful father and I know it all comes from your heart and you would do anything for our kids, but Lindsey, please..."

"Alright, fine." I study his face for a moment before hugging him. "I won't be an asshole."

"Good, that's very good, honey."

"And now when I think about it, we'll have the house to ourselves." 

"Oh, here we go!" I roll my eyes, but laugh as well. "I knew it wouldn't take long for you to take that part in consideration."

"It's been a while, since we could be alone."

"And just what exactly do you have in mind, Mr. Buckingham?" I myself hear how my voice got noticeably lower and seductive. 

"I always have plans for you, baby." Here is that half smile I adore. Lindsey's hand tangles in my loose hair and I close my eyes in anticipation to be kissed. At first softly he brushes his lips against mine, intensifying the kiss seconds later. His tongue grazes my lip and I open my mouth, wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing him closer, while his grip around my waist tightens and our lower bodies grind against each other.

Too soon, Vanessa fakes a cough loudly behind us and we part instantly, utterly embarrassed, when we see our daughter standing with Daniel in the doorway. "I wonder which pair of the two..." She points at herself and Daniel and then me and Lindsey. "...are the teenagers."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." I look apologetically, stepping aside, as Lindsey puts his arm around my back. "We, um..."

"Don't have to explain yourself to me, mom." She holds her hand up stopping me. "This is Daniel, dad." They approach us and the poor boy looks so frightened. "You've met him already." She says, looking at me and I nod, smiling at him. 

"Well, nice to meet you, Daniel." Lindsey holds his hand out for him and unsure, but he shakes it.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Buckingham."

"What are your intentions towards my daughter?"

"I... I... Well, um... I like Vanessa a lot, she's not like every other girl I've met. I can promise you that we're simply really good friends."

"Is that all you want from her?" I put my hand around Lindsey's back too, so I can dig my nails into his side. 

"I didn't dare imagining her more than that, until I knew you were alright with that."

"That is the correct answer, Daniel. "

"Oh my God, dad..." Vanessa says under her breath, looking at me, clearly asking for help.

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