it was the best of times, the worst of crimes

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(A/N: This was inspired by getaway car amv of Seph Meadowes. It's a crossover fanvid between Clara from Doctor Who and Steve Rogers from MCU. But I had this weird thought one day that what if instead Clara meets Takemichi and how would this time leaper and time traveler interact? So, this one-shot fic was born. Also, the lyrics of getaway car from the Reputation album of Taylor Swift is a total bop so it added more inspiration for me. Additionally, since this is in AU, Takemichi and Hina never became a couple for plot purposes. Moreover, apologies in advance if there were inaccuracies in some terms and characterization of Clara from Doctor Who as it's been a long time since I've watched that show in BBC. But I tried my best to keep all of them in character especially Clara. Lastly, I don't own the franchise nor the song getaway car. Respective rights and ownership belong to Ken Wakui for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this beautiful song).

No, nothing good starts in a getaway car

It was the best of times, the worst of crimes

I struck a match and blew your mind

But I didn't mean it

And you didn't see it

He blinked and scrubbed his eyes furiously.

"...Is that a phone box in my backyard?" Takemichi was stumped. On a bright, Saturday morning where he was supposed to be lounging lazily on his bedroom... and probably meet up with Chifuyu on how they should plan on stopping Hakkai from committing a crime against his older brother, Taiju, that would lead to a dark future.


Never in his wildest dreams that he'd saw a weird looking huge blue box in his property. He kept asking the hows, whys, whens, wheres, and whats in his mind even though this clearly defied the logic and common sense.

It didn't help as the door swung open and it spiked his nervousness on the stream of light that filtered from the inside and a pair of dainty looking shoes stepped out of the box.

Fuck. He didn't want to think of the worse. But maybe he should get a bat to defend himself if in case it's a goddamn alien going out of its UFO.

"Oh, bollocks! We should've landed right back at Bromley ages ago! But instead, we're here in Japan 2005—."

"Excuse me but who are you?" Takemichi cut off her rant midway, looking at her in half askance and half curiosity. Judging from the twang and inflection of her words and tone, she was most definitely not from here. Also, judging from her look alone she's a complete foreigner with an ivory skin, shouldered length wavy chestnut locks, button nose, thin but pinkish lips and wide, almond eyes that could bore right through your soul if she focused her whole attention to you.

Takemichi tried not to gape at her ethereal features.

Now's not the time to get sidetracked. He needed answers.

The young woman finally turned her attention to him with a narrowed yet observing gaze that made Takemichi broke out in a sweat.

"Wait. You can see the TARDIS?" She asked back instead.

"What?" Takemichi was utterly confused. "What TARDIS? And you didn't answer my question yet! Who are you and why are you trespassing in my backyard with that huge phone box behind you?" Takemichi added anxiously.

Instead of making the woman frightened with his numerous questions and accusations, her face broke out into a cheerful smile and looked at him as if he was the most interesting person that she had seen recently.

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