Part 1

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            "Hey turd," I said as I walked up to my best friend, Carmen's, locker.

            "It's nice to see you too!" she stuck her tongue out at me as she closed her locker. "What's up?"

            "I don't know, talking to this one girl, she's a tad bit weird – but, y'know, what can you do?" I said sarcastically, covering my face because I know she's about to hit me.

            She slaps my arm, scowling at me. "Well I was thinking about throwing a party."

            "Seriously? Are you crazy? Who would you invite?" I raised my eyebrows, leaning against the mustard yellow lockers.

            "Yeah! Oh c'mon [Y/N], we're both not as antisocial as you are. I am delighted to tell you that I have friends! Real, living, breathing friends! Suck it."

            "Wow, thanks Car, you really know how to make a girl feel good about herself." I glare at her and stick my tongue out. I turn around and start to walk away to go to English, but she calls my name and grabs my bag before I can get too far.

            "You didn't let me finish, girl. Okay, so I'm inviting everyone. You, Jimmy C., Miranda, Lilly, Hannah L., and, wait for it..." she pauses, obviously excited. "HARRY!"

            After I got over the fact that she was actually inviting me to her party, I suddenly realized who she had said. "WHAT?!"

            "Yep. You heard me."

            "Oh my god. I'm going to die, why would you do this to me?" Okay – I know you're wondering why I'm freaking out about Harry coming to her party, which I will also most likely be at, I should fill you in.

            His name is Harry Edward Styles, and we went to middle school together. He was that quiet and romantic teddy bear. In 8th grade we got really close, but then we went to different high schools. I've tried keeping in touch with him over Facebook and everything, but it's weird not seeing him every day. We'd sit in Biology just talking about anything and everything. I started to really like him a lot, but before I could say anything, middle school was over and high school happened to be just around the corner.

            "No you aren't! I'm inviting him for you! I know you loooove him!"

            "SHUT UP. Don't talk so loud, moron! I gotta go to class. You're coming over after school; we need to talk about all this 'party' crap. Bye."

            I turned around just as the tardy bell rang, whispering "shit" to myself. While I was walking away, I could hear her peppy "bye" echoing in the hallway.

* * * * * * * *

            Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong. I hear the doorbell – it's obviously Carmen. Who else has the courtesy to ring someone's doorbell four times? I walk out of my room to the stairs and see her already letting herself in.

            "Oh hey!" she looks up at me awkwardly.

            "Ugh, shut up and come upstairs so we can talk about the party."

            "Okay." She runs up the stairs following me to my room.

            She throws her stuff on to my desk and plops down on my bed. "What about the party? Oooooh, Harry! Soooo, why don't you want him coming?"

            "Well, I mean of course I want him to be there, but you know how awkward I am. I'll talk to him because I miss him and all but you know nothing's gonna happen."

            "Are you serious? You two are perfect. I bet you that something's going to happen. I bet you. Come on, let's shake on it." We shake on it. I can't believe I'm betting on whether anything is going to happen with him, which, I mean, of course nothing will.

            "I'm starving." She says, walks out of my room and goes down the stairs to the kitchen. Good thing my parents aren't home yet – I have a feeling that Carmen's about to empty my fridge in the length of an hour.

            "So when are you gonna have this party? And where?"

            "I'm thinking like Friday at my house, of course. I want to have it outside so that we can string lights on my patio cover thing and make it all pretty," she tells me while she stuffs some potato chips in her mouth, "and have a little fire pit since it's freezing at night."

            "Sounds good."

            "Are you inviting Matt?"

            "Of course I'm going to invite Matt, [Y/N]! Why would I have a party without him?" Matt Frederick is Car's crush – and when I say crush, I mean full-fledged lover. Okay, not lover, but she likes him. A lot.

            "Aww, Car, are you gonna try to get some action?"

            "Uhhh, duh." she winks at me and grabs some goldfish from the pantry. "Are you going to make a move with Harry?" I could barely understand her, what with her mouth being a vacuum and all, but I understood after she said his name.

            "Probable not, you know how antisocial I am, Car. I guess we'll just have to find out at the party..."

That One Night... a Harry Styles [Y/N] FanficWhere stories live. Discover now