"The Assassin Who Became A Demon's Grandson"

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Lord Sullivan: Please let me adopt you as my grandson!

Iruma: But I'm sold to you, do I even have a choice?

Lord Sullivan: Well, if you don't want to then I'll understand. But I'll give you whatever you want, so please!

Iruma: What I want?


Iruma's Mom: Iruma, can you do this job for us?

Iruma's Dad: Iruma, can you clean the whole house for us?

Iruma's Mom and Dad: Iruma, can you give us more money?


Iruma's Former Teacher: Secret jobs, lacking grades... Sorry Iruma, but I have no choice but to downgrade you to Class 3-E.


Koro-Sensei: Iruma, I want you to promise me something.

Iruma: Yes Koro-Sensei?

Koro-Sensei: When you graduate from this class, whatever happens, you'll be able to figure out what you want in the end. So promise you'll make a attempt to search for it.

Iruma: What do you mean?

Koro-Sensei: You can be quite a pushover to help people that you don't focus on yourself. And while that is one of your many charms about you, my boy, you need to act a little selfish too. It's good to speak your mind. So tell me what do you want?


Iruma: (*crying after the death of Koro-Sensei*) What I want...


Iruma: (*at his graduation but his parents aren't there, as he cries again*) What I want is...

[End of Flashback]

Iruma: ...Let me be your grandson... let me stay with you.

Lord Sullivan: (*hugs Iruma*) Of course. I'll make sure you fit perfectly in my house.

To Be Continued...

Iruma, The Assassin (On Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now