"Dinner for 4"

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[Waiting for the food to arrive]

Soi: (*back in his normal clothes*) Just an off question, why didn't you ask Azz, Clara, Lied or Ameri to play as Irumi's partner, Professor Kalego?

Kalego: Alice and Ameri had family matters to attend today, Clara can't keep her mouth shut to do a proper meeting and Iruma mentioned beforehand about keeping Lied out of any dress situations because he already had to forcefully deal with it previously by Kuromu.

Soi: Right...

Iruma: (*back in his normal clothes*) Sorry...

Soi: You got to stop apologizing for everything. I agreed to help on my own volition so stop thinking you're forcing me to do anything.

Kalego: Agreed.

Iruma: Well it was my performance that caused this problem...

Soi: So? You were amazing, Iruma. Your bow is really powerful and you got to show off those other demons your skills.

Bachinko: (*helping the waiters bring the food in*) True, but you got me to thank for that after all.

Iruma: (*drooling*) Wow! The food looks so good!

Kalego: That's... a lot.

Soi: Professor Kalego, you have seen Iruma eat, right?

Kalego: No why?

Bachinko: Well 90% of the food here is for Iruma of course!

Kalego: WHAT?!

Soi: Don't worry, the principal booked this place when Iruma called him right? So he's paying for everything.

Kalego: Give me that menu.


Soi: (*slowly eating*) Ms. Bachinko...

Bachinko: (*already finished eating*) Yeah kid?

Soi: Can I try it too? Using a bow I mean.

Bachinko: Why the sudden interest?

Soi: During the Harvest Festival, I didn't really participate much and my mentor was more about stealth and being tricky without fighting. I... wanna know how that feels to be able to fight back.

Bachinko: ...The bow will be very difficult for demons to use, which is why Iruma can use it. But if you are determined enough and you are willing to keep up with the same training level as Iruma, then I'll train you. I'll give you a week to think about this carefully, it's important to keep your ambitions straight and focused.

Soi: Thank you.

Iruma: More please!

Kalego: (*trying his best to ignore Iruma's hunger as he eats his expensive food and wine*) ...

Soi: (*smiles as he sighs*) Iruma's gonna break the chefs all over again.

Bachinko: (*laughs a bit*) He broke the chefs before? When?

Soi: At school. It was hilarious.

Bachinko: (*seeing Kalego trying to stop Iruma from ordering anymore food*) And it's still hilarious now apparently.

To Be Continued...

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