Of course it's weird that my boyfriend is the one the only Killy Willy but he's not that evil once you get to know him but I love him the way he is charred fur and his sharp long claw's they still creep me out
But don't judge a book by it's Cover.
Y/n POV I finally found Killy me and him were both using the cutting room as an airsoft arena and Killy had the sniper and You of course got the camo sniper he was about to shoot you but his gun got jammed up and you made beeline toward a crate and you shot him "yes! "I got you finally Killy!,"you yelled at him in triumph and got a slightly annoyed snarl in a response
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You poke your tongue out at him and he does it back this is your gun
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You have one really long tongue Killy and he snarls at your compliment you are so cute Killy,you say