Hatred begins with fire

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Killy Willy POV
I was not like my design and the worker's they began to laugh at how disfigured and mangled I  looked and they sent me to the incinerator and the smoke charred up my fur and my eyes melted. I wanted revenge and I vowed to take it with a Loud heart stopping roar everyone ran away but I gave chase I ran after them because they were my victims after all.
I found myself chained up to the floor and they shut the hatch locked it and threw away the key but they had made a grave mistake... it fell in I managed to get the key and undid the locks and I broke the shackles and I climbed the walls until I  was at the hatch and I undid the lock on the hatch and I climbed out and I found myself in the cutting room  and I when I moved my hand a blade shot out of the floor and I jumped out of the buzzsaws way and then it went back into the floor of the cutting room and I got out everyone was mortified by my charred up fur and also my five eyes were staring into their souls  the kids were scared of me well they should be and then a blur of blue fur flashes right by me and I got scared and ran back into the cutting room and I never came out.

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