Chapter 17

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"Harper!" I could here the Principal's voice say from behind me. I wasn't about to let him walk over me. "Get over here. Now!" he ordered.

"I'm sorry sir, but if I do, I'll be late to class." I said. I didn't want him to yell at me anymore then necessary. I got outside, finally, and made my way to class. This time people didn't stop and stare at me. I was a little glad for that until I felt a hand pull me around my the shoulder.

"Where you going sweetie?" asked Tucker. He had a nasty bruise on his nose and I couldn't help but laugh. "Find something funny sweet-pea?" he asked.

I couldn't answer him for a few seconds until my laughter died down. "Yeah, your face." I said. Everyone around me started laughing too and his grip tightened around my forearm. "Let me go Tucker!" I said. It was really hurting now and he kept tightening his grip. I was soon whimpering in pain bt he didn't seem to care.

"I will not let you go. You have emberassed me one too many times. I tried to help you but you are just too much trouble for one guy." he said pushing me against a wall. My head hit brick hard and I gasped.

"Tucker, you're going too far." I said. I was pushed against the wall and Tucker's face soon appear din my field of vision. "Let me go!" I said louder.

"Make me." he said a smirk growing on his face. Before I could react, he was pulled away from me. He still had a hold on my arm so I went with him, but someone caught me.

"You okay?" Mr. Walsh's voice said above me.

I nodded and touched my head, making sure I wasn't bleeding. The last thing I wanted to do was stain the dress. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I saw my hand clear of any blood. "I'll just have a big bruise on my arm at the end of the day." I said.

"At the end of the day, you'll be mine." he said softly. I blushed at the choice of his words and looked away. "Let's get to class Harper." he said putting his hand on my lower back. I shivered slightly but kept walking. IWe made it to class before the bell rang so I sat in the very back. Every one was talking and hanging out with their friends while I sat quietly in the back.

Tucker finally made it into the classroom. looking pissed off. He didn't even look up at me but I could care less. Some girl in front of me raised her hand and I couldn't help but move my attention to her. "Mr. Walsh, could we like have open mic." she said. Immediately the whole class started agreeing. "Please, we can all sing and have a fun time."

Mr. Walsh smile at her and thought about it for a while. "Okay, you can." he said. "I'll pass around a list, you can put your name on it if you want to come up here. It'll go in order." he said and wrote something on the paper and put it on the closest desk to him.

 Soon, we were having our own little concert in the room. We even had some guys playing their instruments that people that weren't in our class were coming in to watch. We got to the end of the list and people started getting a little upset. "We have one more person on this list. Harper, your turn." Mr. Walsh said. I sat up straighter and looked at him wide eyed.

"Oh I didn't sign up on that. I didn't even get the list." I said.

"Oh okay then." he said putting the list down.

"Oh come on Harper, that is the reason you got into this school. Unless you also slept with the principal. I wouldn't doubt that." Emma said. Everyone laughed and I gritted my teeth together.

"Okay, so you all want to hear me sing?" I asked. I soon got a chorus of yeses. "Okay then I will." I got up and made my way to the front of the classroom. I was getting a little nervous. "Can you play Suffocated by Orianthi?" I asked the guys. They all nodded and started playing.

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