25. Beach bitches

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A/n: I've been working on this story during school in like study hall and things so uploads might be a bit more consistent but no promises. I also want to start giving you guys song recommendations with every chapter

Song recommendation: nice guys ballad by Wilbur music Spotify link-   https://open.spotify.com/track/5Qq6gADJLeM9YkgUyoBS9n?si=9co7kA93Qxu8G6ADHqhP1A. -

Tw: slight implied self harm, talk of self harm scars, swearing (someone let me know if i need a tw?!)


George pov:

"I don't want any of the others to know skeppy, especially not Dream!" George begged skeppy

"I won't tell them but please George stop cutting yourself it's not healthy, and I know it's hard." Skeppy said comfortingly "if you need my help don't hesitate to ask me, I'm here for you George!" He added standing up

"Thanks man I really needed to tell someone that won't share it." George said relieved walking over to the door with him

"What were you two doing in there, making out?" Sapnap joked as they came down the stairs

"No Sapnap we were just talking about some... things" George said walking over to the couch where they were all resting

"Alright well we're going to watch a movie if you two want to join in."

"Sure just no-"

"Horror movies? We know!" Dream said plopping down on the couch and wrapping his arm around George's shoulders

"I already chose, we're watching that new Disney movie, encanto!" Karl declared holding up the remote

"At least it's not the entire season of total drama island." Quackity shrugged

Karl played the movie and George was asleep on Dream's shoulder by the end of it.

"Alright I'll just take George to bed then I might get on the server." Dream said picking up George's limp body

In the morning

"Dreeeeeam wake up!" George giggled shaking dream awake

"Mmmmm what do you want?" He groaned

"We're going to the beach bitches!" Quackity yelled excitedly

"How many people-"

"LANGUAGE!" Bad yelled

"Get up Dream we're going to the beach we got bored of your house!" Karl announced shaking dream more

"Ok just get the hell out so we can get ready!" Dream said confused pushing them all out"what is going on George?"

"We already told you we got bored of your house and we're going to the beach keep up dream!" George teased grabbing his swimsuit and slipping into the bathroom to change

"Why are you changing in there just come out here, i change in front of you!" Dream asked confused

"That's your choice and this is mine."

"Ok ill meet you downstairs!" Dream called

George removed his shirt and began removing his bandages to change. His swimsuit which was just a sun shirt and normal swim trunks which covered both his scars on his arms and legs.

"Took you long enough, we were all waiting for you!" Sapnap whined as george came down the stairs

"Well I'm sorry snapmap lets just go!" George snapped grabbing his bag

"Alright so George has a camera to vlog this for the meetup and the rest of us need to make content!" Dream directed when they made it to the beach

"Yes sir!" Quackity said sarcastically, saluting dream jokingly

Dream rolled his eyes and ran into he water and pulled George after him

"Ahhh Clay the water's cold!:"George screamed "and you better be glad this is a go-pro and not my normal camera!"

"You have long sleeves and you're from England, how the hell is this cold for you?" Dream laughed

"He doesn't get out much!" Karl called

Before George could argue he slipped and fell flat on his back in the water while his friends were doubled over in laughter. Dream held out his hand to help him up but George kicked his feet out from under him and he came crashing down next to him. George jumped up and ran out of the water to his friends who were barely breathing with how hard the were laughing.

"You know what, fuck it I'm getting in!" Quackity said and ran into the water. He ran to where the water was up to his chest and flipped forward to where he had to swim to stay above water.

"Wait for us!" Karl yelled pulling Sapnap into the water

"Well don't wait for us, were going for a walk you five don't drown please!" Bad said tiredly grabbing skeppy's hand and waking down the edge of the water

"Don't worry bad, we will!" Karl called after them

"Ok this is getting boring guys we need to do something more interesting1" sapnap complained

"Ok lets do a chicken fight, dnf versus karlnap!" Quackity suggested

"Yes George get your ass over here!" Dream yelled excitedly

"I don't know about this-" george started

"Aww come on gogy please?" Quackity begged, a funny tone in his voice

"Ok ok fine, oh my god clay!" George yelled in surprise as Dream swam underwater and picked George up on his shoulders

George had been hesitant to play anything that would involve him getting his cuts to wet as the salt water was making them sting but being out of the water actually made it better and he was really enjoying it!

"Aww come on not fair, clay is taller!" Sapnap complained when dnf won. For the third time in a row.

"Get wrecked karlnap!" George giggled

"Lets take a break, I'm getting hungry!" Quackity suggested

"You've been doing absolutely nothing Quackity if anyone needs food its me!" Sapnap yelled running out of the water with Karl still on his shoulders

George wondered if bad and skeppy were at least having fun.

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