26. Yes skephalo lol

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A/n: i wanted skephalo so this is what you get but its the second upload of the day so be greatful!

Tw:swearing (please someone let me know if i need a trigger warning!?), homophobia, talk of scars/Sh

Bad pov:

"Well don't wait for us, were going for a walk you five don't drown please!" Bad said tiredly grabbing skeppy's hand and waking down the edge of the water

As they were walking away, bad heard Karl yell

"Don't worry, we will!"

"I swear they are so immature sometimes!" Skeppy said shaking his head

" i know, and also how did that talk with george go?"

"Oh it um it went fine but he doesn't want me telling anyone what we talked about, its kinda personal i guess." Skeppy said quietly looking at the sand under their feet

"you're still wearing long sleeves, are you not feeling uncomfortable with your scars?" Bad asked quietly

"It's Just you know... I don't want anyone to mention them"

"I get that but let's not talk about that let's talk about us"

"But what is us?" Skeppy mumbled


"Oh nothing you- weren't supposed to hear that." He admitted

"But i did and clearly we need to talk about it!"

"Yeah we do bad."

"What do you want us to be?" He asked stopping and turning to skeppy

"I want us to be a yes, i like you bad and i know you like me too." Skeppy said

"So just- just kiss me already!" Bad said almost silently

" maybe i will." Skeppy said putting his hand on bad's hip and moving his face Closer. Bad closed the gap and kissed him, he felt on top of the world as the water rushed around their feet

I want this to last forever

Bad thought as skeppy pulled him closer

"Hey this is a public space! Leave all of that for private!" Someone yelled as they felt a burst of sea water hit them in the face

"What's the problem, they are doing the same thing right there!" Skeppy yelled indicating to another couple kissing by the water

"Because you two are both men that's unnatural!"

"Why should you care!" Bad yelled tears welling up in his eyes

"Bad lets just go." Skeppy said grabbing bad's arm and running towards the boardwalk

"Hey don't just run!" The man yelled from behind them. They reached the boardwalk and turned to see a middle aged man chasing them up the sand.

"Keep running back to the others!" Skeppy commanded running faster

Bad was in tears at this point as they ran down the wooden path back to where they left their friends.

"Guys help us!" Bad sobbed when they reached their friends who were walking down the boardwalk

"What's wrong?" Dream asked alarmed

"Some old homophobic guy is chasing us!" Skeppy said wrapping his arms around bad

"Um I don't think i want to know why, just come in here were getting pizza he might not see you." George said indicating to a small pizza parlor

"You two go sit down somewhere while we get the food." Karl said pointing to a booth in the back corner of the parlor

"So wanna finish what we-" skeppy started but bad interrupted and let out a sob

"I-i-I'm s-sorry skeppy i just I've never had to deal with homophobia before and i-I'm scared!"

"It'll be ok bad I'm here for you!" Skeppy said wrapping him in his arms

Bad felt safe with skeppy, like no one could hurt him. He grabbed his bag and pulled out him and skeppy's shirts

"Here we aren't going in the water so i might as well go ahead and put my shirt on."Bad said, grabbing his shirt from the bag. Skeppy sighed

"If you must-"

"Skeppy!" Bad scolded while he just laughed

" i was just kidding bad, put on the shirt before the pizza comes!"

"Daryll, yours is on backwards!"

"Oh oops!" Bad said pulling it off again

"Were we um- interrupting something?" Dream said with a smirk

"My shirt was on backwards, what's the problem?" Bad said blushing

"Oh nothing." George said amused

"You two both know you do the same thing at home!" Skeppy blurted out making both dream and george's faces turn bright red

"Anyways here are your cups go get  drinks before Karl and Sapnap come back with the pizza." Dream said sliding into the other side of the booth

"Hey bad I have an idea of how we can annoy Quackity!" Skeppy whisper-shouted pointing to a stack of baby high chairs

"Oo that's a good one skeppy." Bad giggled. Grabbing one from the stack

"Hey guys Karl and sapnap choose which sides you want and Quackity that one's for you." Skeppy said indicating to the high chair

"Oh fuck off bitches what is this shit, a fucking high chair?" Quackity raged

Bad was laughing so hard, he couldn't even say 'language'

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