Chapter 2 - William Tevenskie

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I put my right hand on my forehead, even though that wouldn't do anything to relieve the major headache I had. "Ugh," I groaned. I've had this dream once every year on the same day, and every time I woke up from the dream, I would have a major headache that would last most of the day.

"Good morning, are you okay?" Kathryn asked, her voice as soft and calm as always. She was standing at the side of my bed.

She was a thin twenty five year old woman. Straight dark brown hair that reached down to her elbows, brown eyes, and pale skin. She was already in her Texas Roadhouse uniform, which was a black t-shirt with the Texas Roadhouse logo on the left side of the shirt, while the back of the shirt had the words "I love my job" with a big red heart in place of the word "love" written on it in big white letters, the logo below those words as well. On the right site of her shirt was her name tag, which had the Texas Roadhouse logo, and below it, a black rectangular box with her name and "2 YEAR ROADIE" written on it. Her shirt was tucked into her dark blue jeans, which were held up with a dark brown belt. She was also wearing black socks and black shoes that could keep her from slipping at work.

"Y-Yeah, I just have a really bad headache," I replied, my hand still on my forehead.

"That's not good, you should take some ibuprofen. You feel up to working today?" She asked.

Right, it's Saturday. Meaning we both work a double shift today. Great. This day is gonna suck. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Let's just get it done and over with," I lied, barely stopping myself from sighing in annoyance. I didn't want to work, but I wanted to get my mind off of the dream.

"Alright, we leave as soon as you're done getting ready. 11:00 AM at the latest," She said, turning around and leaving my room, closing the door behind her.

I sighed quietly to myself, removed the blanket and got out of bed, trying to ignore my headache. Once I stood on the floor, I took a look around my room.

The ceiling, walls, door, and closet door were white as opposed to the carpet being dark green. There was a coat hanger rack on my door which had my coat and a couple hoodies hanging off of it. On the back wall was the window, mostly hidden by the dark green curtains, but open enough for enough sunlight to get in so that the light doesn't have to be turned on. My bed was in the back left corner of the room. There was a white sheet covering the mattress, with a dark blue blanket on it, along with two white pillows. Next to my bed was a small nightstand, where my glasses and phone rested. My phone was still plugged into its' charger, which was plugged into the outlet close to the floor in between the bed and nightstand. In the back right corner was a large black shelf where video games, books, and other things were placed in. Against the right wall, opposite my bed, was my black TV stand with the TV resting on top of it, along with the remote, a game controller, my wallet, and my Texas Roadhouse name tag. On the lower shelf of the stand was the DVD player and a gaming system, along with the cases of a few movies and games stacked on them. To the right of the TV stand was a vent in the floor, and then a hamper with some clothes piled up inside. Next to the hamper was two pairs of shoes, one pair for work, and another pair I wore when going to other places. Then there was my closet, which was in the front wall opposite my bed, in the front right corner.

I picked up my phone, pulled out the plug, and pressed the small button on the side of it so it could start turning on. I put it back down on the nightstand so I could start getting changed.

I took off my white t shirt and gray pajama pants and put them in the hamper. I then went to my closet and opened the door. I took my uniform out of the closet, closing the closet door behind me, and carefully put it on, trying not to worsen my headache with my movements. I grabbed my wallet from the TV stand and put it in my front left pocket, followed by my name tag on the right side of my shirt, and then put on my glasses.

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