Escaping Social Oblivion

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Manic Week was coming to an end - thank god. I'd practically lived in fear of my life every time I went out. The fear was of getting egged mainly. No matter how cute you are egg does not look good on anyone!

Admittedly, Manic Week has been fun for those involved. I'd regularly seen Finn having the best time - well at least that's what his Instagram suggested. From the fact he'd been posting no stop tweets I assumed 'death' hadn't been a fatal experience.

However, for those not involved (socially invisible) it was a horrendous week. Having to watch them all have the perfect summer everyday, or worse, being a victim of their 'pranks'. Given that not many people knew who I was I knew I was pretty safe but it still haunted me.

I hadn't seen Finn since Monday but I had seen his mom. She visited the house at least once a day to have coffee and 'catch up' with mom; I highly doubted that anything exciting had appended from the last time they'd seen each other.

The ring of the doorbell echoed around the house, knowing who it would be I went to answer. Pulling back the heavy oak I saw, as expected, Kate. To my surprise she'd brought a guest. Standing tall by her side, his dark hair jelled up, it was Finn. With a top on!

"Hey Bailey, is Beth ready?" Kate said stepping over the threshold into the house. Her face was heavily made up, it was evident that her and mom were having one of their well reminisced 'girls nights'.

"Yeah, she should be ready in a second," I said with a slight sigh. The truth was I could tolerate Finn now and again for about an hour. After that his arseholeness kicked in and the urge to slap him was overwhelming. Kate had brought him to stay with me for the evening or as they liked to call it 'bond'. It wasn't really bonding, he'd usually stay for about half an hour to make sure the parents had gone and then would scraper to whatever party was on that night. Of course I'd cover for him, that's if our moms had even realized he wasn't there.

Clipping down the stares came mom, wearing a dress that was defiantly not appropriate for a woman of her age. Slight jealously creeped over me and I admitted to myself her figure was nicer than mine.

"Girls night," she screeched getting a 'whoop' reply from Kate. "Bailey, honey, there are left-overs in the fridge. I've left money for pizza for the two of you. We'll be back tomorrow evening. We are staying a hotel in town for the night," she said kissing my head gently.

"Aren't you gonna warn me against throwing a rager?" I asked half jokingly and have not.

"Oh honey, you're too...good for that. I love you lots," she babbled before practically getting her arm pulled of my Kate; who was more than eager to get out the door.

The door slammed shut behind them."guess it's just you and m..." Turning around there was no Finn in sight.

Wandering into the kitchen I spotted him sitting on top of the kitchen island finishing off a packet of Cheetos. "You know those aren't very good for you," I said mimicking him. He would always tell me how bad they were for me, every single time without fail.

"Har har," he chocked out.

"Don't want to ruin our 'Greek-god' body now do you," I joked. "I mean that is the main reason why girls want you,'

"I thought they liked me for my super good knowledge of trig," he said stuffing a billion Cheetos into his mouth. "And I think I'm good," he said revealing his 8 pack from under his t-shirt. They were so toned it looked as though they'd been painted on!

"Seriously, who has a body that good?" I scoffed.

"Well, I actually run," he joked

"Hey! I run," I blurted out. "Occasionally," I added under my breath.

Hopping down from the counter he threw the empty packet in the bin before licking the reminisce from his fingers. Sometimes it was like he tried to looked insanity attractive every single second of the day!

"So about tonight."

"The usually drill? And don't worry I won't put sugar on your pizza this time." Last time Finn had gone to a party, as per usual, he'd come back intoxicated. Not that I wasn't use to this, but this time I decided to make it a enjoyable experience for all involved. When ordering the usual pizza cure I may have substituted sugar for salt on a certain hungover teen's 'Meat Supreme'.

"I was thinking. How much would I have to pay you to have a party?" He grinned cunningly.

"Tonight? Here?" I understood why he'd want to have it here instead of his house but why was he asking me? He was the boy who did want he wanted when he wanted.

"Yeah," he smiled trying to convince me. How were his teeth so white? Did he bleach them? Or get them professionally whitened? I thought getting sidetracked.

"Um sure." Deciding not to mention the fact I didn't have anyone to invite. Social blip remember!

"Great! You're the best!" He said giving me a tight hug, despite over a foot of height difference it was still a good hug. "And don't worry I'll give you credit for it seeing as you need to...widen socially."

"Really? Widen socially? You could have said nerd, loaner or anything and you decided to go with that? You're such a noob," I chuckled.

"I was trying to be nice! Now let's make you a Manic Week legend! Maybe you can finally join real humans!" Instantly his finger began typing away.

The three words 'Manic Week legend' rang in my mind. Alarm bells were going off but the prospect of popularity and avoiding social oblivion called to me. Finally I'd know what it was like to be around actual social people. Popular people. Finally I'd get to see what the hype was about. Finally I'd stop being a social blip and become a somebody.

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