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Being with Lisa's family, it made me wonder.

What was this world? I mean, it’s not like I wasn’t accustomed to money, my Dad was loaded. My Mom worked as a President for his company, and my grandfather was Leader of the Ivanovs. This was next level beauty, next level money, the kind that makes the world go round.

"How's the food?" One of the Uncles asked me.

“Um, it’s good…” I found my voice just as Lisa pulled away her hand, Thank God.

“Have you gotten to our chapter yet?” Andrei asked with an innocent smirk.

I gawked.

“He’s kidding.” Lisa laughed as chuckles erupted around the table, more wine was poured, more questions asked.

And I ate.

Or I tried to eat while all the powerful men and women around me asked questions.

More wine was brought an hour later.

“So,” another one of the uncles, one who made me so uncomfortable that I almost hid behind Lisa, spoke. “What are your intentions with Lalisa?”

“You do mean after I found them together, right?” Zion piped up.

Humiliation complete, I groaned into my hands.

“Zion…” Lisa’s tone shifted, it sliced through the room, the way she said his name, her voice rasped, her tone dropped. And I realized, I was very much in over my head. These people were killers. This wasn’t Marvel, more like Suicide Squad.

“I really like her.” I interrupted the tense moment.

The guy across from me grinned. “Mmm.” He reached down and pulled out a folder; it was black, and it had my name on it. “Understand that family like us are curious.”

“Because?” I wondered out loud.

The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile. “Jennie, it’s not because of who you aren’t… it’s because of who you are.”

“Come again?” I wondered out loud.

“Step. Away.” A familiar voice sounded. Meanwhile, I hadn’t even heard the door close, what in the world? Slowly I turned.
A gun was held to Lisa’s head.

My older sister, on the other end of it.

I jumped to my feet, knocking my chair on its side.

Her eyes raked over me, then she nodded to Irene. “Thanks for letting me know.”

“Figured the jet would get you here faster.” Irene just grinned like she was enjoying herself.

“Jìsu?” Lisa craned her neck around.


“Were you or were you not together with my sister?” Her finger pressed the trigger.

This was not happening.

“Right, was getting to that part.” The other guy smiled. “She’s an Ivanov… surprise!”

“It’s like this family just can’t stay away from Russia,” Quin said under his breath earning stares his way.

“Um, can someone explain…” My voice trailed off when Lisa winked at me and then gave Jìsu a playful shrug.

With a sigh, Jìsu lowered her gun and stared Lisa down. “You’re lucky you’re my favorite.”

Lisa rolled her eyes. “We’re all your favorite.”

THE MAFIA'S EXECUTIONER [√Complete]Where stories live. Discover now