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I would take it to my grave—but I finally understood what it felt like, that raw power coursing through your veins with each pump feeding the addiction, the justification for more and more until you’re sick with it.

Students watched us in awe as we made our way down the sidewalk. Professors paled, the braver students pulled out their cameras and started snapping pictures.

Rosé kept her head held high, her smug smile in place, I knew the princess had finally found her throne, and she would bring death and destruction because she was good at it.

Because she was Beauregard’s heiress.

Because he’d trained her well.

Too well as far as I was concerned, at least I wasn’t the unlucky son of a bitch that had to spar with her, no that honor went all the way to Zion.

I watched them closely. I knew what we had to do. One day they’d realize I was saving their lives, protecting us from a war, keeping our family together.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” Jennie said, squeezing my hand.

“Tough shit,” Rosé said in a cold voice. “You made your choice, you’re one of us now.” Her face softened a bit even though she continued walking. “You’ve always been. You’re Zirv’s granddaughter, the fact that you ever thought you could have a normal life is laughable.” She gritted her teeth. “We’re in this curse together.”

Jennie looked at me. “At least we have each other.”

Zion glanced behind us as four of our cousins followed closely behind. “We just brought a fucking army; they don’t stand a chance.”

“They never did,” I muttered as more students started gathering around us. I leaned down and whispered into Jennie’s ear, “Play along.”

She frowned.

Not enough time to explain.

It was the perfect opportunity.

My brain worked in violent, manipulative ways, and I knew all of Rosé’s hot buttons, she hated losing control, and she was jealous as shit.

She gave Zion a black eye when she found out he had to go to a strip club to grab an informant.

I always wondered why she was so pissed over it, now at least I knew.

I mean, the guy was there five seconds.

Maybe six, and that’s me being generous.

My father’s words coursed through me.

Break their hearts.

The opposite of love is hate.

I let go of Jennie’s hand and stopped walking. “Now’s good.”

Rosé stopped and slowly turned to look at me, her head tilted to the side. “What?”

“We can’t just walk by and make them think it’s a fashion show.” I shrugged. “That girl, right there.” I pointed to a gorgeous girl with bright blue eyes and red hair, she was staring at us.

“She’s right.” Jennie piped up in a strong voice putting her hand on my shoulder. “You need to make a statement, show everyone that you have the power, the control, can do whatever the hell you want.”

“Zi—” I pointed to the girl “—give that girl what she’s been asking for ever since she saw us walking this way, she’s practically begging to get screwed, and she can’t keep her eyes off you, own her, control her, give it to her.”

THE MAFIA'S EXECUTIONER [√Complete]Where stories live. Discover now