the pubs are empty and they're closing up

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An: i forgot to mention on my last chapter but it would be greatly appreciated if you voted or commented when you read the story just so I know people like it <3

Other than that I'm sorry again for not having a fixed update schedule i just cba with that. I'd stress myself out.
also its been along time since i updated so sorry lmao.

Wilbur pov:
quackity got here an hour ago. we have finished our food and are both currently talking about what we are planning on doing whilst he is here.

"i don't know i think a stream were we just play hide and seek would be really fun"
"that's because your a big kid Q. also that would have to have been planned really far in advance to work in a good way, i know i'm the peoples streamer and all but don't try and lower my standers too much."
"hey don't doubt my streaming skills. we could so do that" he wacked me in the arm.
"your 'streaming skills' are low camera quality and bad your mom jokes"
"*gasp* i am highly offended by that"

we continued with our regular banter until i noticed something about the way we were talking.

i feel as though he has been here in England with me for as long as I've known him, i just assumed when we started planning this trip that we would end up being really awkward with each other at first. not that we are awkward online or anything its just, every other time i have met up with someone, after a while the atmosphere usually gets really awkward and confusing. but with Alex its like it was never not like this, his presence is so calming and care free- i feel like i can have a conversation with him for hours and never stop talking because he always knows the right things to say-

we ended up going up stares to talk more because we figured it would be more comfortable. i had set up a bed for Q in my spare bedroom and all, but we still made our way to my room, one night over discord me and alex had been chatting about the trip, and he had just randomly said to me "if you don't end up spooning me at least once while I'm over there i want a refund" i know it was a joke and everything but my mind really loved to wonder.

"hey Alexis?" i asked

"yea? whats up Wil?" he turned his head before his eyes as he spoke, engrossed in his twitter feed.

"what do you say tomorrow we go and meet up with George and tommy. we can show you around and go get food, it'll be fun!" i suggested. it seemed like a good idea since he had never met any of them in person.

"sure that would be nice! can phil come too?"
he spoke, his eyes glistening with excitement

"of course. whatever you want!" i really wanted to make him feel comfortable

" thanks."

he looked down, smiling

"for what?" i breathed. i didn't quite know where he was going. his mood changed rapidly.

"everything. i know its only been a couple hours but this place already feels like home to me." does he know what he is doing to me??

"my house is pretty homey." i chuckled

"no. not because of the house. you make me feel at home wil" im so weak. how is he so amazing omg

"oh. I- umm wow. sorrry i just- that caught me off guard im sorry"

"no im sorry. that was wired..."

"no your fine!!" it wasn't weird! it was wonderful and amazing and i wish you would never stop being so kind and adorable.

"q, just so you know you make me feel the same. i love every moment i share with you, it makes me so happy."

a comfortable silence blanketed over us.

"wil. can we go to sleep? im really jet lagged" he yawned.

"of course we can"

next i know, he is climbing underneath my criss cross pattern bedding, getting snuggled in.

i assumed it was okay, so, i got in next to him.
he shifted slightly, which made me think he didn't want me there, therefore my feet slipped back out of the fabric.

"no wil! stay" q, whisper shouted.

i once again got in, this time for certain as i made myself as if not more comfortable than the sleeping man next to me.
that night i had the best night sleep, ever.

i really cannot be bothered with this story anymore. i knew that would happen. anyways sorry for not posting in a literal year. im on my six weeks now so hopefully i should have more time. sorry!

i also wanted to say thank you for the support! it does mean an awful lot! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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