iAct 2

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*First day*

"This is going to be fun..." Natsu moaned as they walked to the guild."Natsu-Ni, wait...." Romeo saw Natsu and stared."Natsu-Nee?" He asked. "Oh just go away Romeo!" Natsu huffed. "Look at the hunk! I just die for male blondes!" A bystander exclaimed. "So even as a guy I get hit on.... Great..." Lucy hid behind Natsu."This probaly looks wierd." Natsu sweatdropped as she walked in the guild. "Hey guys..." Natsu waved. "Welcome to fairy tail!" MiraJane came to her with a clipboard. "I'm already in Fairy tail! It's me Natsu!" Natsu put her hand in flames. She backed up and laiughed. "Salamander's a chick!" Gajeel laughed. "Gajeel stop!" Levy got him to stop. "Wait bunny girl?" Gajeel stared at Lucy. "H-hey.." He mumbled. "Oh my god, your Bunny guy now!" Gajeel laughed. Levy thought it couldn't be helped. "Hey Lu-Chan!" Levy went to Lucy. Lucy smiled and hugged Levy. "Shut up flame face! I can't hit a chick!" Gray yelled. "I'm not really a girl hit me alreadfy!" Natsu shot back. This was going to be a long week.

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