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Yummy angst time 👁️👁️

Who likes to watch fictional characters suffer? I sure do!

This AU contains a place called Heartfall, which is like the Rainbow Town, only bigger and more diverse in Steve types. The technology there is more advanced, and most villains are pretty chill.

Rainbow had two little brothers and his closest friend was Galaxy, until something went wrong. There was a lake near a factory, which was their meeting spot. Light and Silver were already there, and Galaxy was on his way as Rainbow stayed behind to help some townspeople.

Something in the factory had gone wrong, causing it to explode. Several were lost, including Rainbow's little brothers. Galaxy was severely injured, but due Void being skilled with machines and experienced in the medical field, he was able to save Galaxy's life after Rainbow had found him.

Now Galaxy was half, if not mostly machine, but he still retained his chaotic, reckless and loveable self. Rainbow was a wreck after losing his brothers and nearly losing Galaxy, but he was glad Galaxy was still with him, despite being different.

One day, someone new arrived in the town. He was a small, scruffy child, who said his name was Experiment 5-4-B-R-3. Galaxy was able to derive a name from this, being Sabre.

Rainbow was quick to take Sabre in, allowing him a room to stay and toys to play with and a warm bed to sleep in. Sabre was overwhelmed, having not received this kind of attention before, but happily accepted.

Sabre determined that this place seemed safe with the kind people and pretty scenery, so he told Rainbow about a friend where he was from, named Experiment 7-U-C-4-5. He told Rainbow he needs help.

Rainbow quickly agrees, and allows Sabre to guide him to 7-U, which Galaxy had turned to the name Lucas, only to find himself at Origin's base. The two sneak in, and Sabre brings Rainbow to the room where Lucas was.

The three sucessfully escape together, then return to Heartfall. However, Origin is unhappy. He tracks the two down, then reveals he was the one behind the factory explosion. Void is angered and is quick to try to fight Origin, just barely winning with the help of his machines.

The town of Heatfall finally enters a new era of peace... for now..

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