Chapter 1

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Heavy chains clenched and echoed throught long halls of Asgardian palace. With four guards on both sides Loki walk throught place he once called home. Lot of memories are runing throught his head, the good ones and the bad ones. He remember when Thor and him played with wooden swords as children, they allways broke something. He remember every time when that happened Father was very angry, and punished them, well not them, problably allways him, because Thor almost every time got away.

Memories stoped echoed throught his head when they stoped infront the Throne room. Loki has always been afraid of Throne room, there weren't pleasant memories.

He didn't want to coutinue when the gates opened, but guards pulled him roughly inside. On the end of the room is sitting Odin on high throne with Gungir in his hand. Before Loki  could aproach him he heard kindly and concer voice. Voice so familiar to him. Voice he thought he will never hear again. Voice who belong to his Mother.
"Loki... " She said with hope and relief, with two beautiful eyes full with deep concer. Oh how he wanted to hug his Mother after long time, to cry on her chest, to conffess every thing, to tell her the truth. But he can't. What kind of sorcerer was mind controled? None. He was so weak, if he tell her the truth she would be more disapointed than she already is. Only words that left his mouth were: " Hello Mother, did I made you proud? " All relief vanished from hers mouth when she said:" Please don't make this worse." Then Loki replied traying to act that he don't care:"Define worse".

"ENOUGH!!! " Allfathers voice echoed throught whole room, on wich Loki wince. " I wish to speak with prisioner alone." On that Frigga with last glance on Loki left the Throne room.

Loki is draged infront Odin and with punch on his leg forced on his knees.

Loki's POV

And now I'm keeling infront of man which I once used to call Father. I wan't deny that I am realy scared of him, but I mustn't show any weakness,  not infront him.

"Well done, Jotun." I heard a mocking voice. I lift my head and saw Odin  raising up and slowly  aproaching to myself. I send him a confused glare.
"You heard me well, runt. After Thor was banished on Midgard, you had any use to me, so I was looking for excuse to get rid of you, but you offered it by yourself." His words were like a dagger which shattered my heart. I was on a verege of tears, but I didn't let them fall. I wouldn't let him have a satifaction to see me cry. I wouldn't break.
He rough grabed my jaw with his hand forcing me to look at him and looked at me with his eye saying, almost whispering:" You are nothing than a burden to our family, I wish I never took you in, and left you die on frozen rock. Death would be a mercy to you, but I am not a mercyful king." He let go of my jaw and laud annoucend his judgment:" You will rot in dungeons rest of your miserable life and you will never see Frigga, Thor and light of the day again." When I was still processing his words  he turned to guards and told them:" Take him and do what you want with him, but I want him in cell until tommorow." With that I saw him walking away and guards smirking to me  viciously.

They put me on my feet and lead me throught dungeons till end of hall where were iron door. Guards pushed me in on stone floor and entered behind me. While three guards chained my hands with long enough chain on ceilling, other one behind me pulled a whip. I tried to struggle out of chains, but it's pointless. A whip echoed throught air and painfully hit my back. I clenched my jaw to not drop any sound, while in myself I screamed from pain on my back, but not only from that, but a pain from words that Odin said. All this pain is too familiar, very, very, familiar.
After twenty or something about that hits of whip, beating suddenly stoped. That was weird, I expected of them to beat me more than this, but they stoped. I breathed heavily and struggling to hear what guards saying. But It'd be better if I hadn't heard them.
Conversation between guards:  " You are shure about this?" "Ofcourse I am, Allfather said we can do wathever we wish with him. Besides when will we be given this opportunity?" "It's only a shame that he isn't some pretty maiden." And then they burst in laugh. Unfortunately I figured out what their intentions are. I wildly started to struggle against the chains knowing that what is to come is much worse than whipping.

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