Scenarios: How They'd React To You Getting Sick

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Lucifer 💙
- He would be probably be worried but he denies it if anyone asks if he's worried 😭
- He would make you stay in his room while he does paperwork or whatever he's doing so he can just turn around to check on you

Mammon 💛
- He would refuse to leave your side
- He'd probably say something like "You're lucky THE great Mammon is taking care of you"
- He'd go to a convenience store to get medicine
- He'd make you a cup of noodles since he's really good at making that

Leviathan 🧡
- Like Lucifer, I think he'd have you lay in his room and play games while checking in you every couple minutes
- He would lay down next to you and watch his favorite animes or just rant to you about his favorite video games

Satan 💚
- I feel like since he reads a lot of books he would ask what your symptoms are and he would automatically know what kind of cold you have
- He'd read you stories or rant about his favorite books to help you fall asleep

Asmodeus 💞
- He'd probably spoil you so much 😭
- He'd make you soup and then cuddle with you in bed until you fell asleep
- LMAO HE WOULD DEF SAY SOMETHING LIKE "If you want, you can kiss me so i can take your cold away"

Beelzebub ❤️
- Like Asmo, he'd spoil you but with food
- He'd ask every 10 minutes if you want food or if you're hungry ‼️
- He'd be so worried 😭

Belphegor 💜
- Ofc he'd take a nap with you
- If you also couldn't sleep he'd give you chamomile tea so it'd make you tired and make you feel better
A/N: I made this bc i'm literally so sick rn i just the second dose of the vaccine and my arm feels so weak it felt like torture writing this while holding my phone up 😭

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