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Dear you,

Do you like eyes? Not in that weird, serial killer way, but in the way that you can be obsessed with their colour, their shape, the depth of them? I am.

My eyes are the only special part of me. I have a normal appearance, except for my eyes.

They're grey, with swirling emotions deep inside then. My left eye is slightly larger than my right; a fact that drives me crazy. Or well, crazier that usual.

I've always thought that I've had a strange face shape. It's kinda like an oval heart...if that makes sense. I told She-who-must-not-be-named this, but she yelled at me and told me to get off the phone. But that's ok, she hadn't been the same since the accident.

I don't really like writing anymore...so, bye.

Till death do us part,
Rosemund Pike

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