Prolouge •••

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Do you believe in love at first sight? I didn't either, until I met Harrison Vladimir. He's gorgeous; Blue eyes, brown hair, and he knows how to dress. I have to thank my best friend, Vanessa Winfrey, for introducing us. It started with a college party, wasn't too late. I'd say around nine o'clock, give or take.
The music was booming, that feeling was all too familiar.
   "Rayleigh! Wait for me!" Vanessa shouts from amongst the crowd, but I was already dashing up the stairs and down the hall to the heavily decorated bathroom.
There goes my night, down the drain. The bass from the loud music vibrated the flooring, I couldn't help but hold onto the sink for support. 
   "Hello, are you alright?" A seemingly deep voice brought me back from my dreadful state.
    "I'm fine!" I responded, or tried to; gulping down tap water to sooth the stinging from my throat. I've seemed to lost my voice. I bought myself some courage to open the door, and there he was. I was speechless, literally and figuratively.
   "You're close with Vanessa, right? I'll go get her. Seems like someone had too much fun." I waited against a wall, afraid that if I move too much I'll pass out. During the wait I couldn't help but think about him, what was his name?
   "Are you okay?!" I hear the familiar voice of my best friend, her stomping could be heard from the bottom step.
   "I'm fine, a little tipsy." I took a step forward, but instantly crashed onto Vanessa's shoulder. She couldn't help but laugh at my state.
   "Are you able to wait a little longer? Another hour?" Vanessa questioned, as she brought me back downstairs with the overwhelming music and smell of ash trays and booze. I couldn't help but nod, she was my ride after all. With the confirmation, she was off. I watched her meet up with that guy from earlier, what is this aching feeling in my heart? They're just talking, right? As the gap between the two closed, I couldn't help but feel fiery in my veins.
I couldn't tell if I was nauseated from the drinks, or from whatever it is I was feeling. I couldn't help but bring myself to hurl towards my best friend, gagging with my mouth covered with the palm of my hand. I desperately held onto her sleeve, and she got the hint that I was about to vomit all over the carpet inside the abode. I was shoved in the backseat of her Toyota, as she got in herself and started the old rig.

We were ten minutes from my house, and I still haven't let that go, Vanessa and I were chatting; my words slurred. As she was paying attention to the road, I brought my arms up to rest on the backrest of the drivers seat. Vanessa chuckled, but wasn't fazed. I give a smile, as I brutally forced the arm of my best friend down, the car swerved. Crashing into the forest, I was saved from a major concussion since I was already so close to the backrest. As smoke soon began to settle, I took apart the headrest; unbuckling myself and swung the cushion against the head of Vanessa. Though, realizing that didn't do much damage, I turned it over and stabbed her skull with the head restraints; impaling her skull, blood gushed onto my face as I repeatedly smashed her head. Until she was dead. Stepping out of the vehicle, I stole Vanessa's phone and managed to break the passcode. I dialled the last person she called, which just so happened to be the guy from the party.
   "This..This is Vanessa's friend, I need help! Please!" I cried uncontrollably into the phone, breaking down onto the side of the highway. I dropped the phone, and held my head tightly as I screeched.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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