Juliet was pouring a pint as Harry approaches her, a nervous look on his face as he opens his mouth to speak.
"My brother in Digbeth just said the police are coming down from Deritend in numbers, asking for Tommy Shelby by name"
Just as Harry finishes his sentence, the door to the Garrison flies open and the man of the hour strides in, his eyes landing on Juliet.
"Shit," Harry says.
Tommy walks into the Snug and three soft raps are heard from the small window connecting the private room to the bar.
Juliet removes her apron before walking into the small room.
"Tommy, what's going on?" Juliet asks, her hand resting on Tommy's arm.
"I'm going to have to lie low for a while," Tommy says.
"Why?" Juliet asks.
"I lost the guns," Tommy says. "This copper it's just me and him now. When I get back, I'm gonna tell you some things"
"Tommy" Juliet whispers. "Harry said the police are already in Digbeth. There's no time for you to get far enough away"
"Yeah," Tommy says.
"You took a chance coming here." Juliet says. "Why?"
"I had to see you," Tommy says. "Need something pretty in my dreams, eh?"
"The police are in the lane Tommy," Finn says, opening the door.
"Come with me," Juliet says. "I have somewhere we can go"
It was like a dangerous labyrinth as they weaved through the alleyways and backstreets. Every corner risked a potential police officer or a disgruntled local more than willing to drop Tommy in it for the right compensation.
Juliet feels above the doorframe for a key and when her fingers grasp it, she quickly opens the door ushering Tommy inside.
"I know it's not much of a place but I bought it when I realised how loud your family was," Juliet says and Tommy chuckles at her reasoning.
"It's alright," Tommy says.
"You want tea?" Juliet asks, putting the kettle on.
"Tea? No" Tommy says.
"I have rum or some Irish whiskey,"
"Actually tea it is," Tommy says.
"Are you trying to impress me Thomas?" Juliet asks.
"Yes," Tommy says. "Do you have a biscuit?"
Juliet opens one of the cupboards before sliding Tommy a small packet of biscuits from which he takes one before speaking again.
"People look different at home," Tommy says and Juliet turns to him.
"In what way?"
"Off guard," Tommy says. "At ease, comfortable"
"Should I be on my guard?" Juliet asks, placing the teaspoon down.
"No," Tommy says with a smile. "I'm a man who drinks tea"
Despite the man's words, he was not a threat. His eyes were soft, that stone exterior had crumbled away leaving behind a man who drinks tea and eats biscuits to impress a woman.
Juliet stares at the street below, it had always intrigued her. How people moved without a care in the world that they could be being watched.
"When the trouble dies down, I'll go"
"When do you think it will die down?" Juliet asks, sliding her shoes from her feet.
"Late, I'd say,"
"So not until the morning then?" Juliet asks.
"Yes," Tommy replies. "I'd say I'll be here till morning"
"We'll be the talk of Small Heath, Thomas," Juliet says but the spark in her eyes tells Tommy that she didn't mind being the talk of the town.
"You have a gramophone," Tommy says.
"It scratches a lot," Juliet says. "Does my fucking head in"
"We could still dance," Tommy says.
"Why not?" Juliet smiles at the man.
"I know you like to be asked properly," Tommy says, standing in front of her. "Juliet, can I have this dance?"
Tommy bows, his hand outstretched and Juliet takes it, her hand fitting perfectly within his as if it was a final piece of a puzzle sliding into place.
Tommy places a hand on the brunette woman's waist and takes her hand in his own as they slowly begin to sway back and forth.
Juliet looks up at Tommy through her thick eyelashes which perfectly framed her deep brown eyes. Tommy presses his lips to Juliet's, tangling his hands in her hair as her hands move to work the buttons on his jacket.
Juliet breaks their lips to pull Tommy's undershirt over his head as he unzips her skirt, allowing it to drop to the floor.
Looking at the woman in front of him, Thomas could have sworn he was in the presence of a goddess. He almost felt like dropping to his knees and worshipping the beautiful woman in front of him but Tommy would rather show his worship in other ways.
Juliet was so lost in his touch, she didn't even realise when he pushed inside of her until a soft sigh escaped her red painted lips.
Tommy pauses to take in the view in front of him, remembering every detail, every expression on the face of the beautiful woman beneath him. But only for a moment before he started thrusting in long, almost punishing strokes, making Juliet dig her nails into his back as she arched up into him.
Soon his thrusts grew rapid and Juliet wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer to her, clinging to the comfort of his strength as they both revelled in the feel of the other. Tommy rests his head in the small crook between her neck and shoulder as one of her hands winds itself into his hair.
Time passed differently in that time, it could have been minutes or hours Juliet didn't know. Her breath came in shallow pants, a film of sweat covering her smooth skin, as Tommy Shelby inked himself to every part of her body.
"Tommy, you alright?" Juliet asks, turning on her side to look at Tommy who was more relaxed than she had ever seen him, a dazed look in his eyes.
The stress has left his face, removing the lines of constant worry and woe. What was left behind was a glimpse of what had been before the horrors of the real world had caught up to an innocent soul.
"I don't hear the shovels against the wall," Tommy says.
"What shovels?" Juliet asks, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"To the tunnels," Tommy says, his thumb coming up to smooth the crease between her brows away. "Will you help me?"
"Help you with what?" Juliet asks as Tommy turns on his side to face her.
"With everything," Tommy says. "The whole fucking thing. Fucking life, business. I found you and you found me. We'll help each other."
"Always," Juliet smiles at the man before he presses a kiss to her lips.

FanfictionIn which a young author finds herself in Small Heath and discovers herself a mysterious muse. TOMMY SHELBY X OC