4. things you've told him

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Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
Pray to God, he hears you
And I pray to God, he hears you

"Cassie, answer your damn phone."

"This can't go on much longer. It's Friday, let's do something."

"Stop ignoring me, just pick up or call me back, okay?"

Matt sighed and hung up the phone again after recording yet another voicemail. His friend hadnt spoken to him since the incident on Wednesday; she avoided him in school, hiding in the girls bathrooms, leaving him to sit with his old friends.

"Just leave it, man. You've had your fun." Matthew turned to face his best friend, Thomas who had spoken up. "I know we made you mess with her, but you didn't have to get so... invested in it."

Hearing the words made his stomach turn, remembering the horrible joke he had planned with his friends. The school year only had a few months left and everyone was thinking up pranks they could play before the end of the semester, but none of them were half as cruel as what Matthew had thought up.

"She's a freak," Thomas reassured him. "She doesn't deserve friends. That's exactly what you told us the night before it started."

The two other boys who were sat at the table, Robert and Luke, were quiet but had put their phones away. It seemed that none of his friends had come to regret or feel guilty about what they've done to Cassie, but Matt was struggling to go to school each day knowing how horrible it was.

'I lied to her,' he thought. 'She trusted me, I know everything about her and I never even... god, I'm a terrible person. Who pretends to be friends with someone just for fun?'

"How long is it until term finishes, two weeks?" Robert questioned and the other boys nodded. "Just string her on until then, it's not long."

From there, the group began to talk about more casual affairs; what was on TV last night,chow bad the cafeteria food was, and which of the cheerleaders they would bang first. Regular boy stuff.

Matt swore he heard a quiet voice somewhere; a quiet 'forget it' sounding like it came from the poor girl he had used, but he pushed the thoughts aside as she was still hiding from him after their argument and joined in chatting to his friends,

However, nobody knew that Cassie had finally answered the phone, staying silent while her best friend left his final voicemail. Curious as to what he spoke about with his friends, she didn't hang up but after hearing the truth about their friendship she couldn't help but wish she had ignored his calls again.

Just like everyone else, Matt had hurt her, and this time it was too late for him to take it back.


dedication to @daisyandashtree because their comments are tWICE AS GOOD AS THE ACTUAL BOOK

I didn't even notice the whole 'Luke Robert Hemmings' reference until I'd published this okay it was a coincidence leave me alone pls

it's my birthday on Thursday (April 16th) :D

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